zobo73 Posts: 18 Member
Hello can anyone help

I have lost 17 lbs with SW all going well but then also came back to MFP. Love MFP but as I am doing both finding I am going over on my syns loads, but keeping the calories down and the exercise up. Has anyone else been in this situation and what was the outcome?

Many thanks


  • zobo73
    zobo73 Posts: 18 Member
    That's amazing well done you. I have lost 17 lbs with sliming world and been slow but I don't have that much to lose. It really slowed up lately so I thought MFP, so far it has worked but basically I am really over on syns and it's freaking me out a bit, but I like the freedom I am getting. I always eat to much even the healthy this makes me curb the portions, just worried I will undo all the good stuff. Still amazed at your loss that's great!!
  • Breizier
    Breizier Posts: 221 Member
    I'm only using MFP as a diary, and pretty much ignoring the calorie intake as the SW plan works for me completely - so I don't worry about the calories I'm eating. So far in one year and one week I've lost 8½st so I'm doing okay :)


    I am doing Sw but find logging on MFP far easier so get sidetracked into counting cals rather than syns especially as th SW app doesnt work properly on my android.

    Op you have to remember that the default calorie intake on mfp is pretty generic y. It seems to give eveyone 1200 cals if ypu say your lifestyle is senentary.regardless og you start weight so with 10 to 15syns and all that free food you are almost bound to be over your cal intake.
  • zobo73
    zobo73 Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks for this I agree tried to do both and finding it hard, so going with MPF as I think I over eat on SW as you can eat so much. I am going to carry on going to group as I love group and not mention it, we cook loads of SW meals so I still get a lot from SW
  • PottyMrs
    PottyMrs Posts: 55 Member
    DO NOT do the calorie thing if you are doing SW! I made this mistake, in 2011/12 i lost 4st with my local sw group, then found mfp - thought that with mfp i could do it alone without paying the costs of sw! i was wrong! soon th weight crept on and i had gained 3st! come feb 2013, i went back to group with my tail between my legs! what i find easier is if you set your mfp diary out like the sw diary should be (see mine) and either set your cals high so it doesnt warn you when you have gone over, or just ignore the cals completely! im almost 1.5st down second time round with sw, i will get there, and i know never to let one 'diet' affect another!
  • EmRobo
    EmRobo Posts: 146 Member
    I'm only using MFP as a diary, and pretty much ignoring the calorie intake as the SW plan works for me completely - so I don't worry about the calories I'm eating. So far in one year and one week I've lost 8½st so I'm doing okay :)

    wow well done :)
  • EmRobo
    EmRobo Posts: 146 Member
    I do a lot of exercise so I have set my diary to 1200 and eat back half or so of my exercise calories, I stick to the basics of slimming world (green day , 2 A's, 2 B's ) etc and make sure I don't go over my cals - I always go over my syns though and most of the time lose weight - although I do need to get back to tracking syns

    I used to have my diary set out like slimming world food diary and write syns in my notes

    I go to class still
  • kaigausista
    kaigausista Posts: 62 Member
    I'm only using MFP as a diary, and pretty much ignoring the calorie intake as the SW plan works for me completely - so I don't worry about the calories I'm eating. So far in one year and one week I've lost 8½st so I'm doing okay :)

    Wow that's awesome. I'm thinking of doing the same thing. Using it as a diary but ignoring calorie intake.
  • dragon1949
    dragon1949 Posts: 15 Member
    Can someone please tell me how they use MFP to log slimming world please. I have tried to message you PottyMrs but it won't accept message. I am doing Slimming world at home and was lucky to be given the books but am struggling to get my head round them. I have an under active thyroid and I am constantly hungry doing 1200 calories (and am still gaining ). Any help gratefully received .x
  • gemma_yidette
    gemma_yidette Posts: 9 Member
    @ dragon, friend request sent so you can look at my food diary
  • natasha00100
    natasha00100 Posts: 17 Member
    I have the same problem @gemma_yidette and @dragon. How to use MFP to log SW?? Any suggestions appreciated x
  • suvernscorpio
    suvernscorpio Posts: 41 Member
    I have used MFP on and off for so long. I never have tons of weight to lose (always aim to get under 10 stone) but generally I put on 10ib max then lose a good 8ib, start feeling comfortable and slip.
    After Christmas 2015 I was my heaviest (11 stone 2ib) and by April was in sheer panic and joined SW online.
    I have realised as a woman of almost 50 who has exercised on and off most of my adult life, it was no longer working counting calories. It definately seemed a pound of fat was becoming SO stubborn and by cutting back on the fat, the weight fell off.
    I SO need to get back to SW ways, even though I only 'did it' for about 3 months.
    I'm wondering what the amount of fat is I should consume if using MFP.