No logic with exercise calories on mfp via jawbone

stargeek Posts: 6 Member
Hi all

I have read various other threads but I can't see the logic still in my numbers.

Yesterday via jawbone my total calorie burn was 1985

On mfp my calories I have every day are 1340

So why is jawbone telling mfp that I had 450 extra calories = 1790

I assume as I am trying to lose weight on mfp that my calorie deficit every day should be 500 cals.

So If anything I should have had 140 cals extra.

workouts logged on jawbone were 211 cals

Argh!!! My issue is I have had to drop calories more than I would like to get any result (I tried 1500 for 3 weeks and nothing, I do CrossFit so I need to be careful to fuel my workouts. I eat clean but that irrelevant to calories. )

Thanks for any help


  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Your UP total burn is TDEE—the number of calories to maintain your current weight. Your MFP calorie goal is activity minus deficit. Adjustments are the difference between your UP total burn and your MFP activity level.

    Click on any adjustment to see the math MFP used to calculate it. If (and only if) you enable negative calorie adjustments in your diary settings, eating back your adjustments means you're eating your UP total burn minus deficit.
  • stargeek
    stargeek Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you - gosh it is confusing. SO in theory (if negative cals are enabled) I should be eating back the bonus calories and still having a deficit?
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    stargeek wrote: »
    SO in theory (if negative cals are enabled) I should be eating back the bonus calories and still having a deficit?

    Yes—if you're logging everything you eat & drink accurately & honestly. That's why it'll take some trial & error to find what works for you. Trust your UP for several weeks, then reevaluate your progress.
  • sweetteadrinker2
    sweetteadrinker2 Posts: 1,026 Member
    I was confused at first too, until I figured out that UP literally recalculates your TDEE each day/time you sync. Then it made more sense.
  • stargeek
    stargeek Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you - I hadn't realised you could click the figure to see the calculation before.