Help with fitbit calorie adjustment

jf3334 Posts: 20 Member
I thought I had this down, but now I am a little confused.

I have been playing with the settings to see what works for me.

Yesterday, my fitbit said I burned 2371 calories.

When I set my activity level on MFP as Lightly Active, my intake goal is 1650 (and because I set MFP to lose 1 lb/week, that means MFP expected me to burn 2150). I had a calorie adjustment of +221. That makes sense.

But when I changed my activity level to Sedentary (just to see how that changed the numbers and make sure I understood all of this), my intake goal changed to 1420, which means MFP thought I would burn 1920 yesterday Shouldn’t my calorie adjustment have been +451 at that point (2371 actual burn on fitbit – 1920 expected MFP burn)? But it stayed at +221.

What am I missing? Based on what my fitbit says I burn on days when I do not work out, I think that “Lightly Active “ is probably the right activity level for me (and I can’t eat as little as 1420 anyway, which is about 150 below my BMR). I just want to make sure I understand how fitbit and MFP work together and that I adjust my intake accordingly. Thanks in advance for any help!

And in case you need to know – I am female, 5’ 4”, 182 lbs


  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    edited June 2015
    Your adjustments don't change retroactively.

    If (and only if) you enable negative calorie adjustments in your diary settings, then your activity level is a matter of personal preference:

    Whether you choose lightly active or sedentary, you'll be eating TDEE minus deficit.
  • jf3334
    jf3334 Posts: 20 Member
    editorgrrl wrote: »
    Your adjustments don't change retroactively.

    If (and only if) you enable negative calorie adjustments in your diary settings, then your activity level is a matter of personal preference:

    Whether you choose lightly active or sedentary, you'll be eating TDEE minus deficit.

    Thank you!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Read through the FAQ in the stickies if you want to know how they interact together.

    Also, changing your eating goals today doesn't effect yesterday - same as activity level. Corrections to yesterday can happen, but not those things.

    The FAQ will also explain in 2nd half what happens during the day, and when Lightly Active may not be good idea or it could be.