Chat and Accountability June 7-13

carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
Welcome to a new week folks! Hope you plan to make the most of it. I'm looking at a solid wall of deadlines, obligations, impossible schedule of work and consulting and the usual household chaos. But I think I'll manage just fine. Kids are on summer break and want some fun this week. (I need a summer break!)

Not enough water yesterday. Bumping that up today!

If you do something healthy, good on you! Share it with us! :)


  • kris3b
    kris3b Posts: 321 Member
    Water still going strong. Woke up early and took the dog for a 3-mile walk this morning. It was a lovely, quiet Sunday morning walk. The pup was a good boy:)
  • Good morning everybody. I wanted to share the video from the Tough Mudder Chicago.
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    Carb nite last night, did better with my macros and spikes.
    Made a low carb cake with coconut flour but It came out too crumbly and it turns out Arturo don't like things that taste too coconuty.
    Been lagging on my garden and I've got to some seedling out of the greenhouse to the beds.
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    edited June 2015
    Heron, your macros from Christin seem like the perfect CN to me. I'm still in my not tracking not weighing experiment so have no clue what I hit this time, but basically followed your plan (I love the pre-dessert dessert idea). Skipped the cereal with the CarbShock/whey, just had the shake as spike 1. Made risotto with grilled shrimp as dinner, two cookies as pre-dessert and a cupcake with ice cream as final. Was a decent stay at home Carb Nite we often go out on CN, but I liked having one fully at home.

    Did she say why no bread with dinner? iS this to keep from filling you up too much?

    Gardened all weekend. Both at home and at Moms. Veggie garden in. Needs mulch but pretty much have everything planted.
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Good morning everybody. I wanted to share the video from the Tough Mudder Chicago.

    Thank you Jen!! Can't wait to do Vegas with you!!

    Awesome job on the water Kris! I'm going strong also! About to have 16oz before coffee. I've heard it's a good idea to start your day this way.

    Kim: did you get your mom's iMac wiped? I need iMac help!

    Heron: where do yall live? I may have missed it. Member I told you I'd be in Palm Springs end of June? Would love to see yall.
  • sbuzzard24
    sbuzzard24 Posts: 22 Member
    I have not gotten into tracking anything with CN... In fact, my goal is to not track as I can become a little obsessed with things like that. I have been weighing and losing so that's good enough for me!! Actually, I had lost 12 lbs. prior to CN (eating whole 30 and 2-a-day, at least, workouts) and nobody noticed, really. The 9 lbs I have lost with CN are NOTICEABLE, my body comp. is changing (and I'm just walking and lifting some!!). I love that I don't feel deprived, there is no wagon to fall off of!! I will eat ULC this week, but Emery's party is this weekend and I'll have my CN then! Thus far, my post CN weight has only been up a lb. or 2 and comes off immediately.

    As I expected, I have a much harder time getting my water in when I'm not at work. I find myself chugging 3 cups in the am and 3 in the pm with little in between... When I am at work I drink all day long.

    Thanks for the Gretchen Rubin suggestion... I'm always looking for podcasts and have now (in like 4 days) listened to all of hers... so many good tips!! I love if it takes less than a minute do it immediately!! Normally I try on 3-4 outfits Sunday mornings (never know what's going to fit!!), I tend to just chuck them on the bed as they are voted off the island... Yesterday, I put them back on the hanger... IT TAKES LESS THAN A MINUTE!!!

  • kilosierra83
    kilosierra83 Posts: 228 Member
    Hey all, doing well on the water, have a quick question. Not big on energy drinks (except coffee) but on rare occasion I drink one. Tried the monster ultra zero, the one in the white can, it's very good. Made with sucralose which is Splenda I think. Just curious if yall have much experience with them and how they affect the other aspects of your diet. Again, other than a cup of coffee, a very rare unsweetened tea I don't drink much other water.

    VBS this week at church every evening, so I am gonna be crazy busy. Meals made for all the workers, as well. Very good meals.... I plan to make Friday night my carb night, that's when they fry fish. May have one in between now and then as well. Hopefully I will be able to control myself lol. I drive a bus for the church, will be going from about 6:30 in the morning at work, till about 10 at night. Maybe if I am really strict through the day any cheating in the evening will be like CBL? Lol
  • Hey everybody. Back at work today after being off all last week. Well, I got in the building and was able to log onto my computer, so guess that means I still have a job. :smile:

    Better sleep last night. I got off the computer around 8:00 and went upstairs to get ready for bed (just have my phone upstairs, no iPad). Probably feel asleep around 8;30ish and woke up one time around 1:30 but fell right back to sleep and woke up to the alarm going off at 4:15. So Kim, how is that sleep amount? :wink:

    Still not eating properly or drinking water regularly. Still struggling with some things mentally but feeling a bit better than last week. Thanks to Carol, Kim, Kris, Angela and John for the notes (and for reading my long winded messages) . I'm still around and not giving up. Believe me, I have had my moments where I just want to shut down all of my online accounts and disappear. I truly do value the support of everyone here and would definitely miss you all. I told Carol that the way I felt last week, I was ready to cancel Vegas completely as there is no way I could do it. Well, I haven't cancelled and I have no plans to. I want to be able to say that I did it, even if I have to skip obstacles.

    Kevin, I've never had an energy drink and have no plans to. Too much sugar concentration for me. I get enough sugar from the bad food that I've been eating.

    Hope everybody has a good day.
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    Kevin, I find I am just make better choices and don't crave sweets when I avoid all sweeteners on a daily basis. As to whether artificial sweeteners affect any fat loss, that appears to be a n=1 experimental thing. Some folks swear it does not. Many others have found that if they hadn't been using artificial sweeteners or drinking diet sodas and they start, their progress stalled. Others (myself) felt we had better progress giving them up. And if it has caffeine, and all you are drinking anyway is caffeinated beverages (coffee, tea and energy drinks), there's a high chance you are using these as a crutch to hide other cortisol and adrenal issues (or lack of sleep which causes an adrenal/cortisol issue). All that definitely will stall or slow progress.

    Interesting little aside discussion on the Nom Nom Paleo podcast about drinking a big glass of water 1st thing in the morning. They talk about how you awaken a bit dehydrated (both because you have had nothing to drink for many hours, and we lose most of our water via breathing) - and that dehydration makes us feel tired and fatigued - not to mention often is misinterpreted as hunger. I get 24oz in before I leave the house in the morning. As soon as I get up. 2- 8oz glasses or so immediately with my thyroid meds, another a bit later with my vitamins.

    Jen, glad you're listening, glad you're getting more sleep and understand taking a little me time break from social media. Keep up the good changes, and quit betting yourself up over not being perfect in other ways. Get more sleep, walk a bit. And everything else will fall into place. Until you get that sleep under control, I doubt you can get the food under control. We make poor choices when chronically fatigued.

    Susan, glad you like the Gretchen Rubin podcasts. I think they're so excellent. Agree on the one minute rule thing too!

  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    Oh and yes was really easy to wipe the iMac. Just be sure to follow the steps here (deauthorizing on itunes, signing off Find my iMac and signing out of iCloud first) . Skip them and no one will ever be able to set up a new icloud account or really use the device. If you are recycling (which was original plan) probably no big deal. However, we had a last minute change of plans with Kiddo taking it. So I followed the directions to log off everything and then erase and reinstall the iOS. At this point everyone is happy.

    Did spend an hour or two with Mom on a laundry list of "issues". She is having some trouble with the new iOS. Many around the scroll bars at far right that appear and disappear. And the change from iphotos to Photos which have different menu and on screen options. She doesn't do well with computer change. But I'll cut her some slack, she's almost 80.
  • kilosierra83
    kilosierra83 Posts: 228 Member
    Well, as a point of clarification I drink over a gallon of water a day, didn't realize it until I started tracking it (Thanks Carol!) Usually have one cup of coffee each morning, and tea, hot or cold (love me some Earl Grey) only on once or twice a week. Never really liked diet soda, would rather have a real soda on a cheat day or on a special occasion. That is literally all I drink. The sweeteners were actually of least concern in the energy drinks, I just wonder about all the other things in them. They will remain a very rare thing, as I am wary of those kinds of "stimulants". They are nice on long road trips or when things get crazy. The fact that I rarely drink then also means they do their job well. I know people who live on Redbull and say it no longer affects them. That can't be good.
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    Hi Kim, I had slight difficulties hitting 250g of carbs on my carb nites which is a shocker to me. Before Christin my carb nites were out of control. But somehow if you time the spikes you are less inclined to eat more (at least for me). Next carb nite I'm switching to denser treats. As for the bread, yes it's so not to fill me up and she wants cleaner carbs with my meal. But "junkier" stuff for my spikes. But so far I love my carb nite plan. I learn that if I know we are going to eat out, some planning needs to go in to ensure I have those timed spikes.

    I am horrible with technology Arturo just sighs.

    Jen, stay in the fight and I totally agree with Kim get sleep situated first. What have you tried for sleep aid? But yeah even just walking will help, especially in the sun, it'll help improve your mood. And definitely don't give up on Vegas tough mudder! I look forward to seeing you there :wink: you know, moodiness/ feeling the blues can be a sign of hormone imbalance, especially if there is a change in diet. I was just reading an article on an ex navy seal's guy 3 tips to build resilient and courage. 1) Let go of excuses 2) learn to control your breathing 3) write it down. The article explains it in depth .

    John, I think you might be interested in Eric Grieten's book or you probably heard of him he sounds like a remarkable human being.
    after returning from Iraq in 2007, Eric donated his combat pay to found The Mission Continues, a national nonprofit organization headquartered in Missouri that challenges veterans to serve and inspire in communities across America. He help veteran by giving them a purpose which from what I've read is one of the biggest issue facing them when they transition back to civilian life. Check out this article,
    He gave an interview to BBC about how inadequate the VA is in treating PTSD and how a lot of countries in Europe and Britain PTSD is an "American thing" OMFG in this day and age there is still a stigma on PTSD?!!! Can these white coats not see the pain and suffering in soldiers, veterans, abuse victims?! Those people must be so detach from the real world.

    Susan, I agree with the carb nite changing body comp. it's pretty amazing and I love that 1min rule!

    Carol: Palm Springs is nice! We live in San Francisco Bay Area where Kiefer and Alex lives ;) there is a "heat wave" warning which for my area meant the mid 80s lol
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    Kevin here are some tips for energy drinks and boosting energy.
    Do squats it really gets you going.

    3-4 8oz glasses throughout the day

    filtered water
    1 slice lemon
    1 pinch cayenne pepper
    The Fire Hydrant (left) - 3-4 8oz glasses throughout the day

    filtered water
    1 slice lemon
    1 pinch cayenne pepper

    The lemon not only tastes good, but is also super alkaline* which helps your body maintain a healthy pH level. The cayenne pepper helps raise energy levels naturally and provides protection for your heart by helping to maintain proper cardiovascular movement throughout the body.

    The Quick Fix (center) - as needed, during the day
    (I don't recommend drinking it at night as it might keep you up)

    hot water
    1 1/2 - 2 tsp honey (to taste) I don't use honey, I just chug it
    1 inch of fresh ginger root
    1/4 tsp ground cardamom
    1/4 tsp tumeric

    Cut off two thin slices of ginger and place in your cup or mug.
    Use a garlic press to juice the remaining ginger into your mug.
    Add both spices and fill your mug with hot water and stir.

    This is the closest thing I found to a non-caffeine/refined sugar pick me up! And I find it pretty delicious. Ginger speeds up metabolism and increases circulation. It also aids in the digestive process which can help stave off the post lunch coma that contributes to the afternoon slump. Turmeric, a cousin of ginger, also helps speed things up in the body, including energy levels! And Cardamom has long been valued medicinally for its ability to increase circulation and improve energy.
  • kilosierra83
    kilosierra83 Posts: 228 Member
    Thanks Heron, will definitely try that. Will need to this week! I remember somewhere reading about a mix of lemon and or lime juice with himalayan or other colored salt and water as a booster of sorts to take in the morning. May have to do some reading.
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    Kevin It's funny you mention Himalayan salt I sometimes pop a piece in my mouth and just suck on it, perks me up.
  • babygirl59601
    babygirl59601 Posts: 74 Member
    Hello everyone! It looks like all of you are doing well! Update on Mark and I:

    I have been pulling a lot of hours at work and just learning to adjust. I was part time and now I seem to be full time maybe permanently lol. Lots to learn and I have just been working and walking Monday thru Friday. My oldest has been working in the kitchen at the college and is somewhat laid off for summer... So he is also working part time with my maintenance man.

    My middle son has been a shut in for the majority of the past 5 1/2 years. He dropped out of school and wouldn't take care of himself including daily hygiene. He started trying to get out of the house about the time I met mark. He has now decided to get his teeth fixed ($20,000 in work) and get contacts after. So wonderful to see him finally open up and come alive!

    My youngest is finishing his finals this week and will be done Wednesday morning. He can't wait to be a sophomore next year!

    Mark and I have been working around his house, going for walks and going out shooting some. I met his family on Saturday and had a really great time! The best part was dolling up, putting on my new size 8 Capri pants and making him lose his speech!

    Mark has been plenty swamped. He has been dealing with power issues. He lives off grid and lost his solar power inverter. So is a little like camping... Has had him stressed and just focusing on getting thru each day. On the good side, the new inverter has been ordered and should be installed by July 1 at the latest!

  • Thanks Kim & Heron.

    Flight reservations for Vegas final now. I guess I am truly committed now. :smile:
  • kris3b
    kris3b Posts: 321 Member
    Carol, The only way I can start off on the right foot, drinking my water, is to have a tall glass as soon as I wake up. Then I will drink it all day. If I start with water, I find it kind of shifts my palate and I don't even want a half cup of coffee. I am back to fighting my Diet Coke addiction. Read an MSN article on the effects of diet soda and it helped. Printed this infographic and posted it on my fridge and at work. Cheesy, but it works.

    Jen, I am glad you are here. Thoughts going out to you. You have helped me through this and I am here for you babe! We got this!!!

    Kevin, Ahhhh, I do like those energy drinks. Someone who used to do graphics work for me worked part time with Redbull. They give them a bunch of them to give away and she would bring it in to work. The first time I had one, I took a sip and was like, "Ick!" and by the end of the can I was saying, "Give me more!" I can't have much of it because it makes my heart race. Some of those stimulants make me feel like I was just scared senseless. This comes from someone who could drink a 2-litre of Diet Coke and sleep like a baby.

    Kelly, Wonderful news about your middle son. Those are huge steps he is taking. Amazing:) Sorry to hear about Mark's inverter. Hopefully everything is up and running soon. Woohoo on the size 8! Thanks for the inspiration.

    Continuing to drink my water. Didn't workout last night since I am about worthless on Mondays. Woke up this morning and took the beast for a run/walk. Only 35 minutes, but it felt great. I could have run more, but I have to ease him into it. Don't want him to get hurt.
  • babygirl59601
    babygirl59601 Posts: 74 Member
    Kris... I figure I have lost 40 lbs so far. I know I have lost 4-5 pants sizes, along with 2 sizes everywhere else. I just keep walking and drinking water lol

    Good photo on the soda. I love my diet coke but now I split one with mark once a week and do water the rest of the time. I know if I want to lose and get fit n healthy that I can't drink it. For me, diet coke leads to poor food choices.