help a beginner

hilaryhill Posts: 156 Member
Ive tried reading through the sticky threads and tried to read through that ridiculously long PDF that Mehdi has, but I still dont know anything about the Stronglifts program except lift 5 reps 5 times.

How many times a week do I do Workout A and Workout B?
What weight do I start out at?

I found the worout program on Jefit, all I need to know really is how often to do it. Is it only twice a week? Im so confused.


  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    The workouts are three times a week with at least one non-lifting day in between each session. The recommended start weight for the program is 45lbs for all lifts except those that pull from the ground. 65lbs is recommended for rows, and 95lbs for deadlifts. However, these are the recommendations that are made for "scrawny" guys, and often they have more muscles than women do. Many of the women of this group started out at lower weights (using dumbbells or fixed weight bars) and worked their way up to using the olympic bar.

    ETA: The program is typically 3 times a week, but if you are really active in sports or something else, I know some women modify the program to only twice a week. I think maybe one or two people actually lift every other day, but that can be a lot of lifting.
  • alisaglem
    alisaglem Posts: 36 Member
    Did you read Tameko's sticky post (link below)? It's an amazing breakdown of SL 5X5. Just follow what she says, watch the videos, and head to the gym.
  • hilaryhill
    hilaryhill Posts: 156 Member
    Just read it all, thanks! Very helpful.

    So let me get this straight. Each day is only 3 exercises? And thats a total workout? Hmm. What about biceps/triceps? I dont see any exercises that are specifically for arms, or are they worked out in the ones listed? Sorry for all the questions :)
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    So let me get this straight. Each day is only 3 exercises? And thats a total workout? Hmm. What about biceps/triceps? I dont see any exercises that are specifically for arms, or are they worked out in the ones listed? Sorry for all the questions :)

    The point of compound lifts is that it works multiple muscle groups at once. It's a very efficient way to work out because you can maximize effect while minimizing the effort. And that's said tongue in cheek since the lifts get hard very quickly. My workout lasts over an hour, just to do three lifts.