Yellow Anacondas - Introductions

dwwise83 Posts: 1 Member
Yellow Anacondas for the win!

Hey guys, I thought this would be a good place to introduce ourselves and maybe provide our plans for weight-loss. I am u/dwwise83. I am 32 years old, father of 3 girls, and I've been overweight on and off since 2003-ish. I've lost the weight twice (1st from 232lbs to 180lbs, then again from 232lbs to 174lbs). I gained it back each time and have now gotten up to 268lbs. My weight is at an all-time high while my confidence is at an all-time low. It is time to lose this weight and KEEP it off.

Diet - I am tracking my calories religiously in MFP. I stay between 1500 and 1800 calories per day just depending on my hunger level. I haven't really cut anything from my diet (except soda, which I am avoiding), just weighing everything and making healthier choices. The first 3 days were hard - lots of cravings - but, I'm feeling good now and I don't feel hungry all of the time.

Exercise - I'm trying to walk 90 minutes per week just to get started. I have a weight lifting program I would like to start and will be going to check out a nearby gym this weekend to see if it will work out. I have some small free weights at home and will use those if need be, but I would prefer to have a full gym. For those of you that are interested, this is the weight program I plan to follow:

Best of luck to everyone!


  • Multanis
    Multanis Posts: 11 Member
    Hey there, i am /u/Multaniz at reddit, my name is Christian i'm 29 years old and i live in Germany. I started my journey at the end of march at a weight of 442lbs. So far i've lost 51lbs, my goal is to lose 250. I've set my calorie limit to 1200, which is pretty low considering my weight, but i didn't have any problems with that yet. I will have lose skin anyway, so there was no point in taking it slow for me.

    Since the summer challenge announced, i started walking again, i aim to go for a walk every 2nd day, for 30-40 minutes with one longer walk per week of 75-90min. On days where i don't walk i will be doing some upper body weight training with a dumbbell.
  • jackmontie
    jackmontie Posts: 1 Member
    Hey everyone! Go Yellow Anacondas!

    I am /u/doyoh on reddit. I am 28 years old, and I live in Chicago.

    This is my first week back on the horse after two years. Back in 2012, I had hit 300 lbs and got inspired one day to better myself, so I went on keto. After a few months, I was down to 260, feeling better than I did in high school, and was feeling optimistic about my future. I was running 3 times a week, usually about 3 miles, something I thought I'd never be able to do.

    I had aspired to go back to school to be a nurse, and I was accepted in 2013! This was wonderful news. However, I did not anticipate how hardcore and stressful nursing school could be. I had to study so much, cooking for myself and exercising got put to the wayside and I had soon slipped back into old habits of getting takeout and drive thru for most of my meals. I also upped my drinking as a way to cope with the stress.

    I recently graduated (yay! although I still need to take my NCLEX), and all that extra stress has melted away from me. I'm feeling like my old self again and motivated as ever: I have ballooned up to 320 pounds, and this is unacceptable! Last week I began calorie counting (my TDEE is 3200, so I've been eating 2200 calories a day). No keto this time around: I don't have a whole lot of money right now and it can get expensive. The first couple of days eating lower calorie were rough, but I'm feeling better each day and its getting easier and easier. I'm taking things slow and easy: I want this to be a permanent lifestyle change in the end.

    My exercising hasn't been a dramatic change. I started C25K again because it worked well for me in the past.

    My ultimate goals are long term. If I ever want to make it to old age I'm going to have to take charge of my life now. I'm not trying to lose weight for vanity or for the military or for a sport or anything, I just want to be a healthier person.