
JohnBarth Posts: 672 Member
Does anyone else set goals around sports seasons? We have a home sports bar and entertain frequently during NFL season. We got serious about our health mid-Feb, and I set a major goal of 75 pounds lost by 9/1. So far, I'm on track. I'm not saying NFL season is going to be a binge fest. I'll just say my goals are a bit less aggressive.

Just curious if anyone else uses similar logic?


  • Tailgater75
    Tailgater75 Posts: 330 Member
    My goal was more motivated by my buddies wedding in September. However, the start of this journey began for my at NFL Draft town this year. I felt like I was dying walking around all day.

    The left was April 30th and the right is May 30th.lluv9w3rxedz.jpg

    I had lost over 14 lbs in that one month. Started at 270 and I'm currently 243. It's going to get a lot tougher for me during Football season for sure, just alone with the amount of beer I like to drink during the games!
  • JohnBarth
    JohnBarth Posts: 672 Member
    Nice job! You can see before/after (3 months) in my profile album. Keep up the good work! NFL season is definitely a challenge for us (especially GOING to 3 games), but as long as we're extremely focused on non-Sundays, we'll be in good shape.
  • Daisyhatespeach
    Daisyhatespeach Posts: 51 Member
    Every Saturday in the fall usually involves food, food and more food with a little alcohol thrown in (more of a college fb fan). I will definitely have to have a better plan in place.
  • Daisyhatespeach
    Daisyhatespeach Posts: 51 Member
    That is a big difference after just one month!
  • Tailgater75
    Tailgater75 Posts: 330 Member
    That is a big difference after just one month!

    This is the first time anything has worked for me to lose weight. If I can keep this up, I want to be back in my old military shape again by next spring!
  • Tailgater75
    Tailgater75 Posts: 330 Member

    Fresh outta Basic...1993. (OMG I'M FREAKING OLD!!!)
  • Steve_ApexNC
    Steve_ApexNC Posts: 210 Member
    One of my big bugaboo's is my love of beer. I have given it up until I reach my goals. Football season certainly sees its fair share of beer, but won't this year. I'm not building my weight loss goals around any sports watchign season. I do want to lose 10 pounds by the first Fall softball practice and closer to 15 by the first game.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I usually bulk during football season anyway lol. I cut during the summer.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I usually bulk during football season anyway lol. I cut during the summer.
  • flinx1241
    flinx1241 Posts: 2,168 Member
    Not specifically around them, but it sure was nice this season to suddenly be able to run fast (well, helluva lot faster than before) during our slowpitch season. No longer have to set the lineup and purposely stock slow people behind me LOL.
  • Steve_ApexNC
    Steve_ApexNC Posts: 210 Member
    flinx1241 wrote: »
    Not specifically around them, but it sure was nice this season to suddenly be able to run fast (well, helluva lot faster than before) during our slowpitch season. No longer have to set the lineup and purposely stock slow people behind me LOL.

    Now that is what I am talkin' about. Being a bit more spry on the bags definitely helps keep me motivated.
  • TruCowboysFan812
    TruCowboysFan812 Posts: 27 Member
    I don't plan around seasons. I've never tailgated or had parties while watching a game though. I usually watch alone bc I tend to get mad. Lol
  • JohnBarth
    JohnBarth Posts: 672 Member
    We have a sports bar in our basement. NFL season is always a challenge. Good time for a bulk I suppose, and lifting really heavy *kitten* is getting fun!
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    JohnBarth wrote: »
    We have a sports bar in our basement. NFL season is always a challenge. Good time for a bulk I suppose, and lifting really heavy *kitten* is getting fun!

    We're all invited right? ;)
  • JohnBarth
    JohnBarth Posts: 672 Member
    GTFO Lounge in Taylors, SC. Come on down!
  • Tailgater75
    Tailgater75 Posts: 330 Member
    JohnBarth wrote: »
    GTFO Lounge in Taylors, SC. Come on down!

    How does one become a Geographically Displaced CheeseHead? LOL
  • Steve_ApexNC
    Steve_ApexNC Posts: 210 Member
    JohnBarth wrote: »
    GTFO Lounge in Taylors, SC. Come on down!

    that is only about 4 hours from here!
  • JohnBarth
    JohnBarth Posts: 672 Member
    pbradtke75 wrote: »

    How does one become a Geographically Displaced CheeseHead? LOL

    I grew up in Dubuque, IA, just across the border from where IL/WI meet. Born in Wisconsin and lived in north central WI for 5 years before moving to South Carolina--away from snow and ice and brutal winters.

    Die hard Green & Gold forever!