6/18 Day 119 Wednesday Ramadan

Auna37 Posts: 708 Member
Hello, everyone! It’s Ramadan! For those of you who don’t know: The month of Ramadan traditionally begins with a new moon sighting, marking the start of the ninth month in the Islamic calendar. Many Muslims (except children, the sick and the elderly) abstain from food, drink, and certain other activities during daylight hours in Ramadan. This is considered as the holiest season in the Islamic year and commemorates the time when the Qu’ran (Islamic holy book) is said to have been revealed to the Prophet Muhammad.

Today’s Challenge: Eat until full not stuffed

You know that feeling of fullness you get but you keep eating to finish the plate and then you feel bloated? Stop at the fullness!


  • _Juggernaut_
    _Juggernaut_ Posts: 18 Member
    This one will be a challenge today. My local kink group is having a cookout....so there will be lots of socia eating involve. Must stay strong.