Week 2 Check In

celerieaz Posts: 26 Member
So it's already Friday here and I've posted my week 2 weigh in.

How was everyone's second week? Making any progress?


  • universegirl
    universegirl Posts: 1 Member
    Ive already posted mine as well.
    I woke up , jumped on the scale (not literally) and saw the same weight as week one, which was a bit upset, has i watched my intake and exercised like before. Thought to myself, eff it, ill do better next week. went and had my breakfast, and about a couple of hours later decided to weight myself one more time (denial lol) and to my surprise, the number wasnt the same as before, I somehow managed to drop 1.5kg in 2 hours...beyond me. Happy with that number
  • narrayya
    narrayya Posts: 9 Member
    I'm pretty sure some of it is water but I was down 3.3lbs this morning from last week. I stepped up my exercise a bit again so my body is trying to adjust. Still feels good though!
  • Vkenton
    Vkenton Posts: 21 Member
    I was used to weighing myself on Saturday, so I'm still getting used to Friday weighing. Did my weigh in, down almost 2 lbs, probably would have been more if McDonalds had not been so inviting 2 times this week for breakfast.
  • Vkenton
    Vkenton Posts: 21 Member
    How's everyone doing so far this week?