Thoughts on recent diagnosis

pollypocket1021 Posts: 533 Member
This week I was diagnosed with PCOS based on lab tests. Specifically LH:FSH ratio on day 3 of my cycle.

After looking online, it doesn't look like this meets diagnostic criteria.

I am normal weight (but have worked hard my whole life to be so). I have had three children. I do have cysts, but at my last ultrasound, they are the kind with active blood flow, and they never used the term "polycystic". I have acne, despite 2 rounds of accutane. But overall, I don't think I have a classic PCOS presentation.

Only 45% of women with PCOS have elevated LH, according to the studies I've seen. But I can't figure out if it is possible to have an elevated LH without PCOS.

In other words, could it be a false positive?


  • jaims224
    jaims224 Posts: 62 Member
    I am not really up on all of the levels, but I know there are ladies here who are. I did want to say that it presents very differently for each individual. If you feel like you have had to fight your weight, you have the cystic acne, and you have the ovarian cysts, it sounds to me (though I am not a doctor) like it is a distinct possibility. One way to test the theory would be to try some of the ways to alleviate symptoms and see if they help you, because really, in the end, it is about treating the symptoms.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Not everyone diagnosed with PCOS have cystic ovaries. Likewise, you can cysts on your ovaries and not have PCOS. There's some indication that LH:FSH ratio is one of the better measures, but it's still debated as far as I know. Being overweight isn't a requirement of PCOS, either.

    Regarding the acne -- I'd try a month of dropping grains and dairy and see how your acne responds. I had acne since I was a teenager, despite several attempts at getting rid of it. The only thing that cleared my skin up was dropping grains and most dairy out of my diet.

    I think it's definitely worth getting a second opinion. Find someone who specializes in PCOS and see what they think. I wouldn't be surprised if it was just some hormonal disruption due to more run of the mill metabolic syndrome, and wouldn't be surprised if you could easily reverse it all with some changes to your diet (I'm personally a fan of The Primal Blueprint guidelines).
  • pollypocket1021
    pollypocket1021 Posts: 533 Member
    Thank you for your insight. I guess I thought the hemorrhagic cysts were completely different from cysts in PCOS and "didn't count" diagnostically.

    I guess I also thought the acne and always worrying about weight was just something that all women go through.

    I started metformin and spironolactone. Right now I feel like I have the flu, but I'm guessing that will get better when I adjust to the meds.
  • jaims224
    jaims224 Posts: 62 Member
    I hope you are feeling better! I know it will take some time to adjust.