Starting 6/24



  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    Congratulations @noelleyaya!

    According to Autumn, while pregnant you want to add 300 calories to your total. Even if you are at the lowest bracket, this will bump you up to the second bracket. If you plan on nursing, you will want to add 500 calories to your total. This may bump you up to yet another bracket. You'll need to do the calculations.

    You should definitely consult with a doctor. If you want to continue using 21 Day Fix and are uncertain how to convince your doctor that the meal plan is well balanced, I would encourage you to track your meals here on MFP, print out a few days of typical eating, and bring that with you to your next appointment. If there is anything lacking, tweaks can easily be made and you can still follow the overall plan without overly compromising your either how you are eating or the health and well-being of both you and your child.

    I know there's a video out there with Autumn talking about these and I remembered the numbers because I figured it's a subject that will come up. But I can't find the video. I did, however, find this Q&A which, although it doesn't talk about nursing, does talk about what to do when you're pregnant:
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    @noelleyaya - Congrats! I think you are fine to do the fix while pregnant. I would first check with your doctor though. Eventually you will need to add in extra calories for the baby - and you should probably eat at a maintenance level too.
  • germany03
    germany03 Posts: 348 Member
    @noelleyaya congratulations!!!
  • noelleyaya
    noelleyaya Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks to all of you and great advice. I don't have my first appointment for three weeks, so I have a little while, but will be sure to ask my doctor then. In the meantime I plan on just listening to my body and so far so good ... Keeping my fingers crossed for a bit to difficult pregnancy.