Daily Report 2015-25-6

Kris, congrats on your new PR! Your kayaking trip sounds so fun:)

Alisa, reading about your garden makes my mouth water! I'm waiting for our boysenberries to come out; there's something so satisfying about eating something you grew.

As for me, I started yoga yesterday, and was surprised how hard it was! I feel like there's this whole assumption that it's easy, and since I've been doing Pilates I thought yoga would be a piece of cake. Couldn't have been more wrong. Pilates is very dynamic, and yoga is much slower, which requires a lot more muscle strength. I ended up sore but really calm and peaceful, so will definitely be incorporating some practice into my daily routine!

Have a great day guys:)



  • FitStrongHealthy
    FitStrongHealthy Posts: 220 Member
    Bella, I love doing yoga on my rest days cause helps relax some of my sore muscles. I've found that lifting has helped me a lot with yoga, I can do a lot of poses I used to couldn't because I have more strength now.

    Today, if this weird summer weather will allow it, I'm going to take my dog Tyson out for a run this afternoon. I'm hoping the rain will either come now and stop before my run this afternoon, or hold off until tonight after my run. The funny thing is though, is that it doesn't even look it's going to rain here but all the forecasts say that it is.


    Have a great day every one.

    ~ Kris
  • scrapbookingtm
    scrapbookingtm Posts: 1,916 Member
    Another very hot day here - 97F . Even at 8 a.m. I was really dying outside. I've been filling my dogs water dish with ice everyday so he can have cold water to drink.

    I am so happy with my garden. Picked beans today for my brunch. They were delicious! Raspberries are coming on really fast. I think I might make syrup this weekend. And more raspberry rolls :smiley: Tomatoes are coming on fast too. I'm really craving a BLT. I only have those about once a year.

    I've been doing a lot of yoga lately. There are moves that really help strengthen my back and relax it.

    Hope it rains when you want it to Kris.

    Have a wonderful day
