Weekly Check In



  • justrollme
    justrollme Posts: 802 Member
    @Jad31te Thank you so much, and congrats to you, too!

    PS - love your forum avatar!
  • ChristyParadee
    ChristyParadee Posts: 32 Member
    You can do it justtrollme!!!! Congrats on the loss!!!!!

    I weigh in at my Doc on the 15th! I can't wait =)
  • ChristyParadee
    ChristyParadee Posts: 32 Member
    Sat Zoo Trip...This is me stomping the benches I use to have to stop and rest on!!!! I really did this to ALL of them LOL
  • Jad31te
    Jad31te Posts: 73 Member
    justrollme wrote: »
    @Jad31te Thank you so much, and congrats to you, too!

    PS - love your forum avatar!

    Thanks :D I love black cats :) You look like your having a blast Christy :D
  • justrollme
    justrollme Posts: 802 Member
    LOL You go, girl, stomp those benches!!!!! I love it!
  • ChristyParadee
    ChristyParadee Posts: 32 Member
    Checking in......3.1 lbs lost!!!! for a total of 24lbs....Endo appointment went well, my left adrenal has not started working yet, hope it starts soon because I want to be off these steroids. They say it can take up to a year and if it has not started working within the year then it more then likely never will and I will have to take them my whole life. =*( but we are hoping soon it will decide to do it's job!
  • justrollme
    justrollme Posts: 802 Member
    @ChristyParadee All of that swimming is paying off big time! You're an inspiration!

    Today's weigh-in surprised me in a good way, made it to 167.2 lbs. I partially attribute this to a new comfortable pair of Nike shoes. :D
  • Jad31te
    Jad31te Posts: 73 Member
    You guys are doing awesome!! :smiley:

    226.6 Is today's weight :D down 3.2 pounds and really need a comfortable pair of shoes lol..
  • justrollme
    justrollme Posts: 802 Member
    Jad31te wrote: »
    You guys are doing awesome!! :smiley:

    226.6 Is today's weight :D down 3.2 pounds and really need a comfortable pair of shoes lol..

    Congrats, Jad!!! That's awesome! I just got a new pair of Nike running shoes a couple of weeks ago, they are waaaay cheaper at their outlet stores. Walking in them has felt like a miracle, haha!
  • ChristyParadee
    ChristyParadee Posts: 32 Member
    Way to go guys!!!!!!! here is my monthly photo shoot lol v24vjvnez3eg.jpg
  • ChristyParadee
    ChristyParadee Posts: 32 Member
    I have lost 6 inches in my waist in a month.....
  • justrollme
    justrollme Posts: 802 Member
    edited August 2015
    Wow, Christy, looking good!!! Your progress is fantastic and very inspiring!

    Edit: Whoops, forgot to add: checking in this week at 160.8. :)
  • justrollme
    justrollme Posts: 802 Member
    159.8 when I weighed in on Saturday, definitely experienced a bit of a slow-down this week. I think I need to change up my eating habits a little bit (which aren't so great, been having low-appetite) and add a few healthy calories. This morning (Monday), I checked and am down to 159.4, so perhaps I had a bit of water weight, but I'm going to wait to log it until my next weigh-in on Saturday. :)
  • shylady76
    shylady76 Posts: 134 Member
    Great job justrollme you got this.
  • justrollme
    justrollme Posts: 802 Member
    shylady76 wrote: »
    Great job justrollme you got this.

    Thank you for the encouragement! ♥

    I think it all kinda evened out this week. Weighed in at 156.2. This week coming up will be the real challenging. Taking my 13-year-old son to visit my parents across state. And I really love eeeeeverything my Mom cooks, lol!

    Have a great week!
  • justrollme
    justrollme Posts: 802 Member
    Hope everyone is doing great! I had a pretty nice week visiting my parents. Saturday morning weigh-in was 154.0 ...it isn't easy sticking to my new diet when everything Mom makes smells so great, but yay, did it!
  • shylady76
    shylady76 Posts: 134 Member
    Great job @justrollme you are doing great.
  • justrollme
    justrollme Posts: 802 Member
    shylady76 wrote: »
    Great job @justrollme you are doing great.

    Thank you so much, shylady! ♥

    This week surprised me, I think exercising had a bigger impact than I guessed it might, which is nice! This morning I came in at 151.0, hoping to hit below 150 within the next two weeks. :)

    Hope you're doing well!

  • shylady76
    shylady76 Posts: 134 Member
    Knock knock anyone still here?
  • justrollme
    justrollme Posts: 802 Member
    Hi Shylady! I'm still kickin' around here, haha!

    Had a much slower week, I didn't get enough exercise at all, but still had a loss of 1.6 lbs, so that's okay. Weigh-in this morning was 149.6, gotta get back on track with activity this week, for sure!

    Have a great week! ♥