
HealthyBella403 Posts: 64 Member
edited June 2015 in Social Groups
Alisa, congrats on saving up calories for your family meal! It's so hard to resist food at parties, so that's a smart way of going about it. I get so grumpy when I skip meals, so kudos to you for finding the best of both worlds!

So I'm not a weight lifter or anything, so I don't measure my progress by how much I press. BUT: I had a mini progress point today! Normally when I brush my lab/pit, my arms get really tired, partly because he's a big furry animal with lots of hair and partly because my upper body strength leaves much to be desired. But today, I found that brushing him was no hassle at all! My arms didn't ache at the end, and hey, any progress is better than none!

Have a great day guys!

<3 Bella


  • FitStrongHealthy
    FitStrongHealthy Posts: 220 Member
    It sounds like everyone had a pretty good weekend :smile:. Mine was pretty good, I visited my husbands grandfather and helped mow his grass. It was quite fun too cause the mower he has is almost like driving a car. Then yesterday we went fishing and then vegetated on the couch watching movies.

    Today I'm back at it, I'm going on vacation in a couple weeks and I'm very excited.

    Bella I'm the same way. My lifting weight is low by most standards and I really don't pay much attention to the weight I'm lifting, until I have to change it lol. But I do like noticing the small improvements, like yesterday I jumped out of the boat to swim a bit and I actually pulled myself back up without help. Congratulations on your progress, no matter how small it may seem every achievement is important.


    Have a good day everyone.

    ~ Kris
  • scrapbookingtm
    scrapbookingtm Posts: 1,916 Member
    Well, great job on your progress with weight lifting! It's so great when we notice we are stronger. I know I am progressing - I did 5 pull ups today! But yesterday, I was making my raspberry swirl rolls and it has a cream topping. My arms were so sore just trying to hand whip the cream lol. They feel much better today. I have noticed I need to take time to recover (more so the older I get).

    It has been so hot here I don't even want to be outside. Only 105 today. We did go to a water fun area at the park. There are all these "rivers" that the children can play in. It was a lot of fun with them and we even found a place with shade. Best of both worlds. Later this evening we planned to go swimming but the pool was closed when we got there. We will try again tomorrow.

    I planted another section of beets. I want to be eating them all summer and fall and pickle as many as possible for the winter. I love to go out to the garden to "shop" for dinner. lol Can't get fresher than that. The family party yesterday, they asked for a green salad at the last minute and it was like "sure, I'll just go out to the garden and make one".

    I participated in a fitness game challenge for 10 weeks. It really motivated me to do more and not slack off. They are going to do a second round starting July 5th. It is fashioned around a show called "Game of Thrones" which I know nothing about except it is kings, royalty, mid-evil fantasy. I've been told by my children it is not a show I would watch but the game is fun. If you are interested in joining, I would love for you to participate with me. I belong to the House of Tyrell. Here is a link to "apply". Click the button to join and it will ask you why you want to join. Reference my username and they will accept you before they take others from the forums. It might take a day for them to get back to you. My team won 9 out of 10 weeks. :smile: No pressure, just if you are interested.


    Have a great day!
