07.01.15- my ramblings

carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
Good morning everyone!! Hope this finds everyone in good health and spirits today.

Yesterday was a HOT mess. Yesterday I took 2.5 hours FMLA time to go see a intake specialist about doing a closed intense support group that my doc suggested to me. The depression has lifted but the "fog" from carbs is still there. (I know, one thing at a time, right??) I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Not everything is hurting me. I can get out of bed and see hope in my day. All good things. I also went with Reggie in town to get my brake fixed. Yeah, didn't happen. I flipped out on Reggie about him being so self centered and making everything about him. He's been very one sided for a month now and I have had it. Reggie I guess thinks or feels because I am a larger woman that I need him around or wouldn't leave him and be alone. Guess what, he's about to be left. (Sorry, just very frustrated-tears flowing as I type this- at him). I have a lot of thinking to do right now. Just so glad the depression has lifted so I don't make a major decision based on that.

I am so looking forward now to going on vacation to Vegas next Friday. I went shopping Sunday and picked up some small things. I need to take a look at the different activities and get my clothes/outfits/costumes together. I am not so worried about following a program now till 07.20.2015 (the day after I get back from Vegas) but do plan on keeping carbs under 75g net per day until then. I have done well eating eggs and cheese for breakfast and figure I will be having a meat/cheese for lunch and dinner might have a small treat. I've also decided that I will not be partaking in much of the alcohol cosumption during vacation. Don't want it, don't need it. Or at least that is how I feel right now-let's see how I feel when I get there.

Well, off to post for a new JOB. Keep your fingers crossed for me.


  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Cari, there is so much positive in there.

    I have to say, the old me would have quietly fumed and internalized my frustration. I love that you stood up, stomped your foot figuratively, and told him WHAT FOR! Reggie will learn to accept you or not. Not your cross to bear. Just keep in mind, he's obviously never known a real woman, so he's on a learning curve here too.

    Enjoy that relaxing vacation!!! (hugs) I'm so happy to hear of your depression progress, as well as the mental progress on all other fronts!

    Crossing and tossing everything in sight for you on that new JOB!

    Hugs, C

    P.S. I posted a monster response on another post here today, so I'm not going to monopolize today. LOL
  • maoribadger
    maoribadger Posts: 1,837 Member

    How are things now. Its early days for you two and men by and large dont get 'it' quite often. I still often have to rein in my OH. It will probably come down to whether you can cope with the person he is long term - if the pay off is worth the quirks. Because they dont really change. I hope you can work it out though you deserve proper long lasting happiness.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    edited July 2015
    Family Medical Leave Act. Protected leave. You can't be fired for taking this kind of leave. Typically associated with maternity leave. But essentially, it is personal time off that is protected.

    At least that is my familiarity with the term.
  • maoribadger
    maoribadger Posts: 1,837 Member
    Ah thanks