
Hey so I started up with MFP because I noticed I was over estimating and thought this would be a way to be more accurate with calories and make sure I am not overestimating and getting enough. However, calorie counting I am told is disordered so I struggle. It is so hard to know what to do when you have an ED. I used to be on an exchange system but I havent because I found that difficult to figure out normal meals with. I just wish I could be normal ugh!


  • PennyVonDread
    PennyVonDread Posts: 432 Member
    I've been gone a while and just returned to mfp. Calorie counting in and of itself is just a tool for your disposal-- that's it. It is not inherently disordered eating. But it can be triggering for some people. If you want to record and try for a healthy weight and balanced diet, this is a good tool.

    It's related behaviours, like food bargaining, that become harmful. If you feel a need to overwork yourself or lose sleep to workout to make up for a cookie, then it's more obsessive and may be harmful.

    In general, this is a good community network with lots of support. If you feel guilt over food (which you shouldn't but it happens) we're always here.

    Your feeling about food and your body sound pretty normal to me. They're all very personal experiences. I'm pretty well recovered since high school, but feel free to add me if you want.
