Who's still active on MFP?

dianuhmonkey Posts: 28 Member
I fall off track and get back on and then just fall off again. This last year has been super rough and I am done. I giving it all to the Lord. I am restarting this journey and this time relying more on God and I am also reading, studying, and working with "He Did Deliver Me from Bondage" since I know my food issues are a compulsion and an addiction.
I am looking to see which LDS members here are still active on MFP for mutual support.


  • sljansen
    sljansen Posts: 8 Member
    That's a really great book. My husband and I both struggled with addiction, and he gave me that book while we were dating. Hope you enjoy it too!
  • pandahead76
    pandahead76 Posts: 122 Member
    I'm just returning, myself. And I, too, am using "He Did Deliver Me from Bondage" to help me get a handle on my compulsion to overeat. :) I would love an accountability partner. I'm in week 4, but only started to seriously exercise and eat right today.
  • greenbaymichk
    greenbaymichk Posts: 85 Member
    I'm here with similar issues. I had weight loss surgery 3 weeks ago - but it isn't as easy as it sounds.
  • treesloth
    treesloth Posts: 162 Member
    /raises hand

    I was doing great, then we had a baby. I thought it was the wife that got the pregnancy weight... apparently not :-). So, back to it. Originally lost about 115 pounds, then put on about 50, so at least it's not all the way back to the beginning.