GOALS - think up a pun for July

canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
le sigh. i just couldn't come up with one.

but i couldn't find a thread for this yet, so have at it.


  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    I don't normally participate in these, but I think I will this month.

    -Finish my first tri.
    -Find a program to follow after my tri. (I'm getting bored with SL and am wanting something different.)
    -Start finding all of the stuff I need for my home gym. (My gym location is closing. The two locations they are shuttling us to aren't convenient for me. Plus, they are taking all of us and forcing us plus those locations' members to coexist. Normally, that would be fine, but the two locations they picked are stupid busy on their own. Now add another gym full of members and it'll be nuts!)
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Oh right, goals for the month. I have a few I should work on. I would put finish NROLFW but I'm doing that tonight so it's basically accomplished.

    Weight goal = 148-149 things have been a bit slow lately
    Lifting goal = work on deadlifts and increase weights on them, squats, bench, OHP.
    Writing goal = write more in YA novels and get query letter fixed.
    Start studying even though don't know if the tech thing will work out.

    That's about it for July. :smile:
  • andylllI
    andylllI Posts: 379 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hmmm...we are on vacation for two weeks this month. So my goals will be sleep, food, naps and more food.

    After that back on a deficit, lift 3x per week, currently I'm doing SC, and finish my pull up program. Both of those will end late August.

    Then I need to start something new...maybe PHUL maybe wendler 5/3/1 I like his accessories and the idea of hill sprints after leg days...I have to confess I really dislike how SL is layed out and the idea of adding 5-10 pounds per lift per session makes me anxious. I also like super sets and dislike rests but lately I've been timing my rests to force more recovery and it's really helped me so perhaps I just need to be more focused and disciplined.
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    Hit 115 lbs (was my original goal weight when I was still thinking it was the best I could expect "at my age")
    Get back in to lifting 3x per week. Not counting our camping vacation.

    Squat - 155
    Bench - 77.5
    Row - 85
    OHP - 57.5
    DL 175

    Curl - 45 3x8
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    feeling fat and sassy tonight. so here we go:

    1. squats: nothing. i just want my old good-time form back. i'm not even going to mention numbers this month. if i had to make a guess i'd say i think i may be at around 85lbs by the end of the month.

    bench: 75 again? sure, why not. only 10 pounds away.

    rows: 80, for sure. i've done it before, and i was on a real streak with row increases until i fell off my bike last month. i'm going to do it again. i'm going to make 80 the new normal on this.

    ohp: 55. i swear. having some actual upper-body muscle to put into ohp thanks to the benching and rows . . . it makes such a damn difference. so i am going to do this. that's 5 up.

    deadlift: currently still a bit form-wavery so i'll be super conservative and say 135. all the big-girl stuff. that would be bodyweight or roundabouts, and it's 15lbs up from my current dl.

    weight: keep on trucking and trudging on getting my weight back within spitting distance of 130 pounds, from either side. mostly just a resolution to log food, and things like that.

    other: LOWER ABS. and no, not the rectus adominus. i'm on a tear about getting some tone in my external obliques.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Evening gym session after a day of doing not much besides staring at stuff online, lol. I didn't get much accomplished at home, but I did finish Stage 7 in New Rules of Lifting for Women since I'm only doing the stage once.

    NROLFW Stage 7 - Workout 6

    warm up with low bar squats 3x5 @ 115 - kept to the weight but managed fine, increase next time

    barbell deadlift 2x6 @ 175 - very heavy and I had to pause at least once on each set to get re-set up

    db squat with heel on plates 4x15 @ 25 - increased weight so just did 15 sets
    db shoulder press 4x15 @ 17.5 - slight increase and difficult near the end
    step up 4x16 @ 25 - increase and 8 per leg, left knee got a tad cranky during one set
    underhand lat pull down 4x20 @ 60 - didn't increase weight so increased reps instead

    leg press 3x8 @ 180 - kept same weight, still feels heavy
    good morning 3x10 @ 60 - going to keep at this weight for a while
    hip thrust 3x10 @ 70 - so heavy but the 60 was not available. Awkward as a guy was using something that was situated so he basically watched me during the sets. However, he was nice to offer to put the bar away for me cause I can't clean 70 at the end of the workouts.

    All done! :grin:
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    lol So, I didn't notice until now, I put one of my lifting sessions here instead of in the forum post for that. No wonder it seemed like I missed one there. Silly me.

    Anyways, we are past the halfway point for the month so time to check on my goals so I can remember what I wanted to work on in July.

    Weight goal (148-149) - achieved. Scale is fluctuating between 147 and 148.
    Lifting goal - in progress but deadlift was de-creased to work up slower. Working weight on bench is in the 90's so I'm happy with that one and squat is almost to body weight for the regular sets.
    Writing goal - fail for the most part. I've done a little but not near enough. Have worked a little more than scheduled too but need to hammer down some writing time and spend less in the forums.
    Blog - actually, yes. I have one post up and a couple started that I can schedule soon.
    Start studying even though don't know if the tech thing will work out. - not really, I'm struggling as the move up options have stalled already at work, so waiting a little and pondering other options.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    End of month, time for update.

    Weight goal (148-149) - Actually, scale said 146 this morning, so July was a good month. I should be 145 or less by my 31st birthday (end of August).
    Lifting goal - Slow but working on it. Bench is around 95, OHP 70, made to above bodyweight for squats and slowly building on deadlift.
    Writing goal - I have worked on a few chapters but not enough.
    Blog - a little but need to finish posts and get them scheduled.
    Start studying even though don't know if the tech thing will work out. - still stalled and not sure what next step is overall.

    A decent month. I'm considering lifting programs, possible gym change and building up to a 10k for the jogging. Will have plenty to do in August and am almost at my year mark for being active and healthier.
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    mirrim52 wrote: »
    Hit 115 lbs (was my original goal weight when I was still thinking it was the best I could expect "at my age")
    Get back in to lifting 3x per week. Not counting our camping vacation.

    Squat - 155
    Bench - 77.5
    Row - 85
    OHP - 57.5
    DL 175

    Curl - 45 3x8

    Nope nope nope.
    This month was a write-off. Didn't really lose any weight (but didn't gain...) due to vacation, diet break, and few, inconsistent workouts. Back at it for August. Derby season is winding down, so hopefully I won't feel so burnt out.

  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    xcalygrl wrote: »
    I don't normally participate in these, but I think I will this month.

    -Finish my first tri.
    -Find a program to follow after my tri. (I'm getting bored with SL and am wanting something different.)
    -Start finding all of the stuff I need for my home gym. (My gym location is closing. The two locations they are shuttling us to aren't convenient for me. Plus, they are taking all of us and forcing us plus those locations' members to coexist. Normally, that would be fine, but the two locations they picked are stupid busy on their own. Now add another gym full of members and it'll be nuts!)

    Just now checking in. Work has been stupid busy, so I haven't had time to really post.

    -Finished my tri. Got 10th place in my division, 5th in my age group in my division. (My "division" was broken into under 40 and over 40, so I got 10th overall but 5th in the under 40 category.)
    -Kind of. I've gotten an idea of what I want to follow, but I haven't actually pulled the trigger and started following it.
    -I've got about 90% of what I want/need. I can get by without the other 10%, so I'm in no rush to buy it. I'll slowly accumulate it over the next 6 months or so.