
carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
Good morning everyone!!!

I don't feel awesome yet...but I do feel GREAT. I'm about 98% better and the depression is gone. Now I just need my energy back without the aide of caffiene pills daily. I'm taking my B12 and D3 and they seem to be helping so much. I am finally excited about vacation to the point I am packed... everything...(I packed on Sunday and realized I didn't pack pajamas or capris)... Oops!!! So I had to pack a 2nd bag because not everything fit into my suitcase. Oh well.

Reggie and I had a very LONG talk... tears and laughter so, it was a good talk. I explained that the way I was raised you don't make assumptions and that even if you are a couple, married, gf/bf, whatever, you ask if things are ok. He kept having me take him in town (about a 25-30 minute ride) to take care of some business.... never asked was it ok, just assumed. Also when we were supposed to go to his aunt's bbq this past weekend, he told his mom she could ride with us.... again, just assumed.....I explained even though I have a green light to just show up at his house whenever I want, I don't unless asked to come over. I feel that's rude.... that I also find it rude to make plans for me without making sure it's ok. He said he's always been like that..I told him we need to come to some sort of compromise as I work all day (he works 830-230) and by the time I get to his house, I want to relax, not run every single night......he understood. Since we talked... he has asked everything. I'm so happy.

Food wise, I hit a brick wall. I'm at 294.5. Up a pound from my lowest. Not bad, but not the direction I wanted to go. I am sticking to 75g net carbs a day. I'm tracking just that by paper and pencil. I kept getting caught up in the calories and trying to hit my other macros. Kept getting upset by going over in calories. So, since I know that it is ticking me off to see that, if I just track net carbs on paper, it's better for me right now.

I am in a good place mentally (for once) and I feel as though I can really focus on my carbs for the next 13 days consistently. By the time I return from vacation, I will be ready to lower carbs again. I'm excited to be able to eat more seafood on vacation as I LOVE fish, crabs, shrimp.....and will be following the advice of the great people on the LC daily forum. Focus on meats for breakfast, lunch and dinner and maybe a taste of a treat, not the whole thing as dessert. (thanks to the LC daily forum for the advice)..... Hopefully, I will be so engaged in having fun, wont think about sweet treats. I did find out our hotel for the 2nd half of our vegas trip has a little fridge, so I am getting cheese, almonds. turkey deli meat (ham and I don't make out very well) and maybe a few eggs. The first half ofd the trip we have a full kitchen, but the folks I am going with are first time Vegas folks, (except my best friend) so we will be eating out the whole time. We've mapped out what places we want to eat and I have checked out the menus online and feel as though I can make some great choices. I feel so much more in control and empowered now. YEAH ME.

So how is everyone else doing today??


  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Loved reading all this in LCD and responded there.

    As far as me, feeling utterly neurotic. I have some positive decisions to make and enact, but they are positively stressing me out and making me lose my mind.

    Hugs, C
  • carimiller7391
    carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Awww Carly, so sad to hear that your positive decisions are stressing you out. If you need to chat/vent/ramble... I'm here if you need me.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    I tend to do this. I just get caught up in my head. This time it's all on me. Much like changed my way of eating and way of life, all of this is on me and no one else. It's intimidating as hel!!. And I'm the only thing holding me back. My biggest problems are focus - I do best focusing on one thing at a time, in this case health, and shifting and/or sharing that focus can throw everything off - and 2, I'm the queen of procrastination, but if I put this off any more, I'm hurting myself financially in ways I can't afford. So all of that just compounds the stress, makes me feel like an incompetent idiot, and becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy... *sigh*
  • carimiller7391
    carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
    I understand being the queen of procratination. That used to be me. I'm slowly changing it. You are far from incompetent or an idiot.
