Daily Report 2015-7-7

Oh DEER, Alisa, I'm so jealous that you got to run into those beautiful creatures! Sorry, I'm a sucker for puns:)

It's been interesting with this GOT challenge, as it has helped me bring some variety to my workouts. I kind of fell into this rhythm of run day, Pilates day, run day, Pilates day, but I'm loving changing up my routine!

Small anecdote from my run this morning: I passed this middle aged lady with a German Shepard, who stopped her dog to let me pass. As I ran by with a "good morning", she smiled and said, "See, this is why you have nice legs", indicating my running.

At this point I was sweating like a pig and just trying to make it up the hill, so I just smiled vaguely and kept going.

But later, when I caught my breath, I was surprised that she said that, because I've always thought my legs were fat and tree trunkish, ie not my best feature.

The lady wasn't large herself; she was a little shorter than me and plumper but certainly not unhealthy-looking. Yet she saw an attribute in me where I saw a flaw.

It just reminded me that everything is relative, and everyone's on their own journey, and no matter how much you want to look like someone else, another person would die to be in your shoes.

You can only focus on moving forward on your own path, and motivate others along the way to be the best that all of you can be.

Hope all YOUR journeys are going well!

❤️ Bella


  • scrapbookingtm
    scrapbookingtm Posts: 1,916 Member
    Seeing them was great. I don't know if you seen my post earlier this year but I ran into 5-6 moose. It was a little scary but breathtaking. It was the best hike ever!

    That is so great to hear positive things for others especially strangers. I love this challenge too. It got me started doing yoga again (I had given it up several years ago) and I had just started to strength training and lifting and it really pushed me to do more. I am glad you are enjoying it.

    Have a wonderful day!


    Oh, almost forgot - I did 18 miles biking today, a little walk and squats, lunges and planks!