Denise Austin's Fit & Firm Pregnancy

meglettx Posts: 6 Member
Soooo I was doing 30 Day Shred the two months prior to conception but one of my big red flags that we might have got it this month was the week prior to my BFP I was having an increasingly harder time doing the routine. I was no majorly fit person before but I couldn't do more than 30 seconds of the cardio at a time. The first time after I got my BFP I just gave up because it was ridiculous. My aunt lent me her Denise Austin Fit & Firm Pregnancy to do because I want to do something but Jillian was TOO much for me now. I find Denise much easier to follow (which is funny because I didn't like her regular video I had done with my aunt before as much as 30 Day Shred). Has anyone else had this trouble? Also how do you keep track of it in your MFP app, how many calories does it count for?

I really wish MFP had a pregnant or nursing option to check on your settings so it would automatically include the bonus calories you need while taking care of baby.


  • aliOop18
    aliOop18 Posts: 26 Member
    I agree about the pregnancy option, I was hoping to use this to track so that I make sure I'm eating properly. I haven't done much research, I wonder if there is another app that we could use?

    I like Denise Austin videos but have not used the fit & firm pregnancy ones. I will have to look into it.
  • rainysue34
    rainysue34 Posts: 42 Member
    Well, it's not as simple as a pregnant/nursing option but you can add pregnancy or nursing to your daily food log and calories are subtracted from your consumption for that day (meaning it increases your allowance/you get to eat more).