odd quirks



  • julianpoutram
    julianpoutram Posts: 331 Member
    1. Can't stand the sound of other people eating to the point of rage

    2. I eat anything ridiculously quickly (at least twice as fast as anyone I've ever met)

    3. I like wearing jackets or coats because I feel less vulnerable than if I just wear a shirt when I go out

    4. My sense of humor is mildly sadistic and extremely sarcastic and I find slapstick roll on the floor hilarious!

    5. I find meeting with people (even friends and close friends) extremely awkward and I don't really know why...
  • bbbgamer
    bbbgamer Posts: 582 Member
    I always have my drinks, water included, with LOTS of ice.
    I cannot drink anything out of a can or styrofoam.
    I always rinse my cups out also...
    I have to wear socks unless the floor is EXTREMELY clean. I will not go outside in bare feet. Even to the beach I wear water shoes. I will not wear shoes in the house, only socks.

    yes, I am weird...
  • Fancyface1972
    Fancyface1972 Posts: 19 Member
    When I go buy groceries if I see a can on the wrong shelf (mixed with corn for example) I move it to its right shelf. Or, if something is on the shelf crooked while everything else is straight I turn it the right way. I call it "Monk Syndrome" because it's something he might do on that show........lol
  • Fancyface1972
    Fancyface1972 Posts: 19 Member
    -I always order my drinks, water included, without ice.
    -I'm constantly washing my hands and/or using hand sanitizer.
    -I always rinse a cup before using it.
    -I can't go to bed unless I drink a hot cup of water.
    -I go crazy when people leave on lights that aren't being used.
    -I'm extremely shy, awkward, and bad at conversation.
    -I've never been in a relationship. (I think that's odd considering my age.)

    Oh man, I go nuts when lights are left on too. Just a few days ago I removed two of the light bulbs in the wash room area of the bathroom because the first thing I see when I open my bedroom door are those hot, bright lights. It's a pain in the rear waking up to that in the middle of the night and you already have to adjust your eyes. There were three lights now there is only one. Unfortunately, that one light still gets left on from time to time.....arrrrggghhhh
  • esmrn80
    esmrn80 Posts: 6 Member
    1. I write left handed but do almost everything else with my right.

    2. I'm an awkward talker, meaning that if I'm speaking to someone I don't know well, I experience word vomit.

    3. I love the taste of pickles but can't stand the texture of them. I will squeeze out the "juice" into a burger and discard the body.

    4. I believe in reincarnation and truly feel I was a water creature in my previous life.

    5. Can't see my own blood as I will pass out (and I'm a nurse, lol).

    6. I am super organized at work but could care less at home.

    7. I will eat things on my plate in order of least favorite to favorite.

    8. Fold toast in half, eat the edges, and then eat the center.

    9. When I see a bug in a pool, I always save them.

    10. I put ice in my milk.
  • lillith1991
    1-I have a thing for lyrics. If the lyrics suck then not even an awesome beet can save a song for me.

    2- I sleep with a stuffed pig my girlfriend gave me. I've even named him. His name is hubert.

    3- my head of pencil and smaller sized curls is named belladonna.

    4- despite romance s that writers add in I still see queer pairings. Ex; Frodo and sam from lord of the rings. I don't care if sam ends up with rose cotton. Sams devotion to frodo in the movie transends friendships that is on a brotherhood level. It has a soulmate like level and while friends can be soulmates there seems to be more going on with him. Frodo had to actually tell him to stay when he found out frodo was taking one of the last ships to the undying lands. And sam was married with kids when that happened. And for a more obvious pairing that they eventually gave up trying to hide? Xena and gabriel from xena warrior princess. Ok now I'm off my geeky soap box.

    5- I have a katana with a false edge.

    6- I put extra blankets and pillows on my gfs side of the bed when she isn't visiting. Its kinda like a nest that takes up space when I can't cuddle her.
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    I have tryptophobia, which is a fear of things like honeycombs and the pattern in tripe.

    My feet are size twelve, medium, which makes them great flippers.

    I can't stand hearing the repetitive "music" from video games. I yell "MUTE!" all the time.

    I paint along with Bob Ross, the happy tree painter. (www.mysanitymyart.wordpress.com)

    You know that diet pill Alli? With the explosive ... Ahem ... Yeah. That happens to me when I eat anything with fats, grease or butter in it. I'm allergic to fats.

    Right now I'm wearing a fake ponytail and it feels really sexy!
  • lillith1991
    I talked to myself when writting a story. How can someone write without hearing tyee way it sounds.