In process of getting sleeve

AceOfSpada Posts: 47 Member
Hello everyone. I'm Natalie. I recently decided to persue getting the sleeve surgery. I've spent years losing and gaining. I definitely feel this is the right move for me. I want to be healthy more than I want food as my friend. Just thought I would introduce myself, and hopefully gain some support from people going through the process of those who have gone through it already. :)


  • sinderstorm
    sinderstorm Posts: 225 Member
    Welcome! I was where you are a year ago, and doing a VSG is one of the best choices I've made for myself. I'm now 3 months out and about halfway to my goal weight. Read, ask questions, and read some more. There are some incredibly knowledgeable people here and people at all points of the surgery process. Ask your questions, people are happy to share their experiences.
  • Autumn23242
    Autumn23242 Posts: 28 Member
    Welcome to the process! I had my VSG December 2014. Best choice I have ever made! Down 45 lbs presurgery and another 74 since surgery. Feel free to message or ask any questions! Good luck with your journey!
  • ImaWaterBender
    ImaWaterBender Posts: 516 Member
    Welcome! I had VSG surgery back in February of this year. This time last year I was 280, now I am about 203. It's not simple and it's not for everyone, but the sleeve has quite literally saved my life and I am not just talking about fat.
  • loriloftness
    loriloftness Posts: 476 Member
    Welcome! You have come to the right place. I had the sleeve done 11/19/14. Have not regretted it at all. This group has newly sleeved people, and those who are years out. Everyone is super helpful with questions and very supportive. Best wishes to you!!
  • lenac87
    lenac87 Posts: 383 Member
    Welcome to the group! Like others have said this is an awesome support group to have throughout this journey. I spent a lot of time pre-op reading up on other people's experiences, it is nice to be able to connect with people going through similar situations :) I was sleeved 12/16/14 and have no regrets, good luck to you!
  • ssbeadlady
    ssbeadlady Posts: 126 Member
    AceOfSpada wrote: »
    Hello everyone. I'm Natalie. I recently decided to persue getting the sleeve surgery. I've spent years losing and gaining. I definitely feel this is the right move for me. I want to be healthy more than I want food as my friend. Just thought I would introduce myself, and hopefully gain some support from people going through the process of those who have gone through it already. :)

    Hi Natalie I am also just starting out with this lifestyle. I saw the WL Surgeon for the first time on June 17. I will see him again on the 22nd for the 1st of 6 months of the supervised diet. If you would like to be friends and share the journey feel free to send me an invite.
    Thank you to those who replied to this thread with what you have been going through. It sure helps to read about what happens after surgery. If any of you want to be friends, please send me a friends request. I am taking this journey pretty much alone as my room mate is the only one I have told.
  • pennysteed
    pennysteed Posts: 80 Member
    Hi Natalie, welcome to the group. I was where you are last year, just starting the journey. I am scheduled to be sleeved this Wednesday. Everyone's journey on here is different, but I would not change a single thing. Feel free to friend request me.
  • JreedyJanelle
    JreedyJanelle Posts: 645 Member
    Welcome to the group. I had my sleeve after much contemplation, and being a yo-yo dieter for years I finally bit the bullet and had it done April of 2014. The Doctor's goal based on success of sleeve and percentage of weight lost typically in a year was 195, I hit that in 6 months, he set a new goal of 180, I passed that, and at a year I was at 165, he said well I think you have done well and this is about all you will lose.... Ha I am now down to 146, and within Normal weight for my height. I couldn't have done this without proper diet an exercise too, but you can do this! I don't regret this decision one bit. The first few months are a bit crazy with what you get to eat, but follow your Doctor's plan for you and you will do fine. You will be surprised that even though you are getting less calories your energy level is high.
  • phlpn413
    phlpn413 Posts: 7 Member
    I am new to this group as well. After several years of yo-yoing weight, I'm finally taking the leap. So far I've lost 35 pounds on a supervised diet, and surgery is scheduled for Aug. 11. I'm nervous, but excited to see what changes will come!
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    Welcome :-) I was sleeved in October 2013, and I have lost over 200 lbs. Like others have said, I would not change a thing, I would do this again in a heartbeat, and I really do feel like having this surgery saved my life. I am happy, healthy, and I have a quality of life that I wasn't sure I would ever have!
  • ssbeadlady
    ssbeadlady Posts: 126 Member
    Welcome to the group. I had my sleeve after much contemplation, and being a yo-yo dieter for years I finally bit the bullet and had it done April of 2014. The Doctor's goal based on success of sleeve and percentage of weight lost typically in a year was 195, I hit that in 6 months, he set a new goal of 180, I passed that, and at a year I was at 165, he said well I think you have done well and this is about all you will lose.... Ha I am now down to 146, and within Normal weight for my height. I couldn't have done this without proper diet an exercise too, but you can do this! I don't regret this decision one bit. The first few months are a bit crazy with what you get to eat, but follow your Doctor's plan for you and you will do fine. You will be surprised that even though you are getting less calories your energy level is high.

    Good for you hitting goal earlier then the DR thought you would. This additional weigh loss will surely help to secure many more years with your husband. I a 59 an have been divorced for over 10 years and hope some day in my later years to remarry again and hopefully I will get approved for 2016. Would love to become friends with you during this journey.
  • joysie1970
    joysie1970 Posts: 415 Member
    Welcome and congrats on your big decision! I am so happy with the surgery...I am three months out and couldn't be happier <3 Best wishes to all the newbies, I remember being there not so long ago - this is a really great group of supporters!
  • JreedyJanelle
    JreedyJanelle Posts: 645 Member
    ssbeadlady wrote: »

    Good for you hitting goal earlier then the DR thought you would. This additional weigh loss will surely help to secure many more years with your husband. I a 59 an have been divorced for over 10 years and hope some day in my later years to remarry again and hopefully I will get approved for 2016. Would love to become friends with you during this journey.

    I met my husband 9 years ago after being divorced for 16 years or so, we have been married for 8, he is so wonderful. I am so glad I met him, he is so supportive and understanding. I had my surgery at 61! There is always hope and light at the end of the tunnel.

  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    edited July 2015
    ssbeadlady wrote: »

    Good for you hitting goal earlier then the DR thought you would. This additional weigh loss will surely help to secure many more years with your husband. I a 59 an have been divorced for over 10 years and hope some day in my later years to remarry again and hopefully I will get approved for 2016. Would love to become friends with you during this journey.

    I met my husband 9 years ago after being divorced for 16 years or so, we have been married for 8, he is so wonderful. I am so glad I met him, he is so supportive and understanding. I had my surgery at 61! There is always hope and light at the end of the tunnel.

    ssbeadlady and Jreedy, we are all of an age! I had my surgery 4 years ago at age 55. Not divorced, actually coming up on our 41st anniversary next month, but other than that, we all sound similar.
  • bookerlr
    bookerlr Posts: 51 Member
    Hi Natalie! There is a lot of support and wisdom here. I do not regret my decision for a moment. When I was going through pre-op, I was never convinced that I would go through with it but I'm glad I did.
  • mycatsnameisbug
    mycatsnameisbug Posts: 118 Member
    To echo others- I don't regret it for a second! I had it about 5 months ago and in total I'm down 76 lbs (pre and post op included). Not only have I lost a lot of weight but it had opened so many doors to things I truly never thought I would do. I am biking, running, hiking, doing inversions in yoga, paddle boarding and surfing. In the winter I'm going to start rock climbing and skiing. The physical capabilities I have now have surpassed all my expectations. I don't get migraines really anymore, blood pressure is normal sugars are normal. Congrats on taking the first big step! It isn't always easy but it is always worth it!
  • cmchandler74
    cmchandler74 Posts: 510 Member
    Welcome, Natalie! Good luck on your journey. This is definitely the best decision I've ever made for my health, and I do not regret it for one second.
  • ssbeadlady
    ssbeadlady Posts: 126 Member
    edited July 2015
    To echo others- I don't regret it for a second! I had it about 5 months ago and in total I'm down 76 lbs (pre and post op included). Not only have I lost a lot of weight but it had opened so many doors to things I truly never thought I would do. I am biking, running, hiking, doing inversions in yoga, paddle boarding and surfing. In the winter I'm going to start rock climbing and skiing. The physical capabilities I have now have surpassed all my expectations. I don't get migraines really anymore, blood pressure is normal sugars are normal. Congrats on taking the first big step! It isn't always easy but it is always worth it!

    That is wonderful your able to do all those things now. I bet you are burning calories like crazy. I plan on starting a journal and I am going to be sure to put at least a page of the things I want to do that do not really cost money as being on disability since 2006 I don't have much coming in.
    Have any of you gotten involved in any activities with the meetup groups? If so, do you enjoy them and are the people friendly?
    Would love to become friend with those around my age. I send a friends request and hope you'll accept it. Thanks
  • AceOfSpada
    AceOfSpada Posts: 47 Member
    This seems like a great source of support. Thank you to everyone who replied. I'm not use to posting anything so I didn't see all of the responses until this morning. It means so much to hear people are at all different stages in this. Please add me as a friend. While I have a great support group at home, it is extremely helpful to have you all to be there because you are or have gone through it. Thank you again everyone!

  • dashdiet2013
    dashdiet2013 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi. I am in the pre-op process. I've completed 3 of 6 nutrition visits and completed all of my pre-op appointments. I hope to be approved in October for surgery in November. I've lost 30 lbs so far on the supervised diet. I feel hopeful about this tool after a lifetime of losing and regaining. It took me several years to come to this decision, but I am very confident that it is the right one. I am in 3-4 Facebook groups related to the sleeve and they have been very helpful. I would love to be friends with anyone who wants to connect. I'm 46, divorced mom of one. Good luck!