
Curious what is the story behind everyone. How did you get to be the size you are? What is making you change?

For me, I was always a bigger kid. My mom always told me that I had nice legs and they were "normal" sized. My mom was always over weight topping 400+lbs. She then had surgery - gastric bypass. She now thinks she is better than anyone else. I broke my leg, but she wouldn't let me move in with her to help take care of my dogs, and instead let her boyfriend move in with his dog. My dad had to relocate and move in with me for 6 months to help take care of me. I couldn't resist eating as I was bedridden and depressed. From there, I was easily 100+lbs overweight. I then went through a struggle of cancer with my father, which ultimately a year and a half ago he lost after putting up a real tough fight. That was the hardest thing I ever had to do, take care of him while he was in diapers. The things I had to do and see to bring him home, his last dying wish, took a toll on me emotionally which lead to more eating. I am not making excuses and of course could have done things differently, but I didn't and am paying for it now. I just found out that because of my weight, I may never be able to have a baby. It is very depressing which makes me want to eat, but instead is my motivator to get in shape once and for all.