Daily Report 2015-7-16

Hey guys!

I was SUPER busy yesterday and didn't have time to check in, but it looks like none of us did haha;)

Today was the perfect day for running: cloudy, clear air, and zero traffic. Coming down that monster of a hill I was struck by the view: no smog (for once) and you could see clear down to the ocean and the Hollywood sign. And that's when I realized: that THIS is what we run for: to see the sights and appreciate them more because we're half dead from the run!!

Came back home to some delicious peanut butter oatmeal. I swear, I'm the only one who eats PB in my house (except for my dog when he can steal some) and I'm slowly working my way through the jar! I get mine unsalted and creamy from Trader Joes, so lots of good fat/protein with that decadent taste!

Have a good day everyone!

<3 Bella


  • scrapbookingtm
    scrapbookingtm Posts: 1,916 Member
    Almost made a double post but check right before I did. I'll copy and paste:

    Feeling lonely. lol I know, I run out of time too. Yesterday I did 66 minutes hiking with 3 of my grandchildren. It was more like boulder hopping on most of it. It took us up Bell's Canyon and past Bell's Canyon Reservoir (beautiful scenery) and up into the mountain. We only saw squirrels, chubby little squirrels. Only one fall, no blood. He was a trooper. It will be sad come Monday when they all leave.. :cry: Trying to get in as much "fun" as we can. Pizza for dinner last night a long with lots of salad and tomatoes!

    I've been doing as much strength as I can (for my fitness challenge). My arms still ache from Monday. I guess hanging and playing on monkey bars and holding my own weight for that long is harder than my chosen weight on the machines. lol We wanted to go swimming but the pool is closed for cleaning. Maybe tonight.

    I've been picking and freezing my blackberries until I have time to make my blackberry syrup. I try to make 6 different kinds of syrup for Christmas but the fruit trees are not cooperating this year. Nobody got any apricots or cherries around here. My peaches are a little pitiful but maybe will still come around. We ate so many of the raspberries I didn't get any syrup out of them either. We should get another crop of raspberries towards the end of the summer. Maybe I can do those up. Little children love to pick and eat them while they are playing outside. :smile: Can't get to mad at that!

    It's great when there isn't any smog. I hate it when I am at the top of a mountain and that's what you see covering the entire valley. Being out of doors and appreciating the sights is why we are out there and not on a treadmill. Love the out of doors!!!

    Have a great day!

  • lsabeIIe
    lsabeIIe Posts: 566 Member
    It's always a pleasure reading you!

    I'm feeling lucky I don't see smog around here to much.
    There's not many cities in Québec province where you see smog, Montreal has it sometimes.

    It was hard today not eating to much but I ended up not doing so bad so I'm happy.
    I curious how it will be to eat at "maintenance". Can't wait ! Doesn't feel so far, a few months (2-3) and I'll be there.

    I did some strength today. I was gentle on my quads because they felt a bit achy and I want to run tomorow !

    Good night and I see you tomorow