Weekly Chat July 19-25



  • Eninad
    Eninad Posts: 204 Member
    Oh, Marie. It is OK to tell us when it is not going the best. You are working your program and coping with stuff that would make a lesser woman plum quit, but not you. You're a fighter. I tried the vegan route when I was a college kid, I didn't have the stamina for it, long haul, managed a coupke of years, but you've added gluten free and sugar free, nothing short of amazing discipline. Hope you feel better soon.
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    We are all here to vent to Marie. It is ok. We don't mind. I hope you start feeling better soon. I have a question for you. It might be a doctor question but is your congestive heart acting up because you fell? Or maybe related to the heat? My grandpa always had trouble with his heart and blood pressure after a major fall or during "high heat" (for us that is anything over 75 degrees). He would have tight chest, leg swelling, and trouble breathing because the falls caused minor blood clots to dislodge from veins and bruises and the heat thins the blood out. Just a thought to maybe think about it am the doctor.

    On another note I went out to dinner tonight. I made an absolute pig out of myself. I ate healthy but I gorged. It was all you can eat crab. They lost money on me....... I only ate over 4 crab. I had a 12 inch pile of shells all by myself. Scarily enough I was under calorie and I needed to be rolled out in a wheelbarrow. But it was so worth it. I will say I don't use crab crackers to open the shells. I only use my hands so I do burn more energy cracking with my hands than a cracker. I consider crab the perfect diet food. I have to fight for every bite and I starve between bites. We celebrated my oldest daughter's birthday be she will be 14 on Tuesday.

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