Weight lifting

amr32r Posts: 245 Member
I just wanted to post in here and tell everyone lifting is the bomb...i wasnt really seeing the scale move so i decide to try lifting ..its been 30 days and ive lost 4 inches in my hips ,my butt is lifted some(im 40 im trying to beat gravity lol)and ive lost almost 4 lbs last week and 3.5 this week .i tend to eat more on my lifting days..just wanted to say if anybody had doubts about lifting remember you wont bulk on a def..but we can save our curves thru this journey..have a blessed day!


  • rialucia82
    rialucia82 Posts: 21 Member
    I always see better results when I strength train along with cardio. Building muscle enables more calorie burn! Congrats on your progress.
  • monnie3000
    monnie3000 Posts: 1 Member
    Congrats. Thanks for sharing I been thinking about weight lifting
  • amr32r
    amr32r Posts: 245 Member
    Thanks ..give it a try its addicting lol...i had to remind myself to quit slacking on the cardio though .
  • Blu3Hea7en
    Blu3Hea7en Posts: 45 Member
    I started lifting and I gained weight and I'm at a deficit and drink a lot of water . Maybe I'm different
  • Officially_Rosey
    Officially_Rosey Posts: 73 Member
    edited March 2016
    You're right, strength training is great :) I prefer it over cardio, and so far it has helped me to lose almost 10kgs in 2 months.
  • rachellech
    rachellech Posts: 40 Member
    Strength training definitely makes you look better. I lost 45lbs so far and went from 37% body fat to 29%. My butt is lifted and round (used to look like pancakes..yuck), arms and legs are starting to get muscular/toned and I'm finally starting to see my ab oblique lines. I hope to do Fitness competition next year. I'm currently training so I can get down to 16% where I can see ripped abs (need to lose another 50lbs). I do cardio 3-4x/wk and strength 6x/wk. The scale doesn't move as quickly with strength as it does with strictly cardio but I don't have loose skin/less cellulite and my body is starting to look fantastic naked. You can look great with clothes on but mentally it is fantastic when you like what you see when you are nude. Also, lifting requires more food (quality and some cheat meals) and that makes dieting more sustainable for me. Just my two cents.
  • wahagent05
    wahagent05 Posts: 446 Member
    Strength training also helps keep you tone as you lose weight
  • tracyj1247
    tracyj1247 Posts: 22 Member
    Since I have been strength training the scale hasn't moved, but I can tell that am toning up my clothes are fitting better.
  • meat513
    meat513 Posts: 258 Member
    I am thinking about lifting to but don't know where to start to get the best results plz help!! Add me