Really tired and demotivated?

igottaworkout Posts: 298 Member
Hey guys.. I work from home and I find it so hard to get started on my work.. let alone chores in the house. I feel like I could go to sleep at any time. I've been feeling like this for about 1-2 weeks now (I'm at 34w+4d). Yesterday my midwife told me that my iron levels are starting to dip below normal (so far it had been normal but my last test it was low).

Does anyone else feel like this? It seems like everything is insurmountably hard and SO much work even if it really isn't and I have such a hard time getting started on anything. Even sitting at my computer makes me tired lol... I'm going to start an iron supplement that is supposedly easy to absorb and doesn't have side effects but I wonder how long it will take to build back my iron a bit, plus I don't even know if that is the cause of it.

How are you all feeling?


  • tinybry
    tinybry Posts: 71 Member
    Definitely get those iron levels up! I felt like that early on and could not understand what was wrong - found out it was my iron levels and as soon as I got them under control I felt much better! Definitely worth sorting out now before the baby arrives too, so you feel as well as possible then :)
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    I'm exhausted and have been for weeks (I'm 38w2d) it's normal late in the game, cooking a baby is hard. I could sleep all day if it didn't hurt so much to lay down! My iron is fine, just had my last blood panel done yesterday
  • igottaworkout
    igottaworkout Posts: 298 Member
    I am definitely working on the iron, I just went out and bought the supplement that my midwife suggested (it's supposed to not cause any stomach problems/constipation) and I hope it will help.

    I don't know if it is the iron though, but I really can't wait to have this baby and start feeling more normal again..

    @Jennloella I hope you feel better soon too, you are very close to the end, I wish you all the best in your labor and delivery!
  • kellykneppergrundy
    kellykneppergrundy Posts: 234 Member
    Oh I'm so glad to see this post today. I'm just sitting here nearly in tears because I just feel so bone weary of the whole thing. My 4 year old has the chickenpox and we've been stuck at home all week and she needs constant entertainment. I've had strep throat for 2 weeks and the antibiotics are making me really tired. My husband works 12 or 13 hours a day so I have to do everything, plus everything to get ready for the baby. Nothing is ready despite being 36 weeks tomorrow (no birthing pool, baby's rooms not painted or furnished) and I'm still trying to exercise everyday. Frankly I just want to sit on my bum and grow large on cake. Maybe I should get my iron levels checked. Anyway, it's not just you.
  • freckledLeanne
    freckledLeanne Posts: 111 Member
    I had so much energy and was doing so well until recently (I'm at 36 weeks today). Over the past couple weeks, I've really noticed a decrease in motivation. I'm guessing it's because the belly is getting to be so much to lug around and because I've been waking up so many times throughout the night to pee. That lack of a good solid sleep period has really messed with my energy levels. Trying to focus on staying healthy instead of taking comfort in cake and ice cream.