10 When the apostles returned, they told Jesus everything they had done. Then he slipped quietly away with them toward the town of Bethsaida. 11 But the crowds found out where he was going, and they followed him. He welcomed them and taught them about the Kingdom of God, and he healed those who were sick.

12 Late in the afternoon the twelve disciples came to him and said, “Send the crowds away to the nearby villages and farms, so they can find food and lodging for the night. There is nothing to eat here in this remote place.”

13 But Jesus said, “You feed them.”

“But we have only five loaves of bread and two fish,” they answered. “Or are you expecting us to go and buy enough food for this whole crowd?” 14 For there were about 5,000 men there.

Jesus replied, “Tell them to sit down in groups of about fifty each.” 15 So the people all sat down. 16 Jesus took the five loaves and two fish, looked up toward heaven, and blessed them. Then, breaking the loaves into pieces, he kept giving the bread and fish to the disciples so they could distribute it to the people. 17 They all ate as much as they wanted, and afterward, the disciples picked up twelve baskets of leftovers!

18 One day Jesus left the crowds to pray alone. Only his disciples were with him, and he asked them, “Who do people say I am?”

19 “Well,” they replied, “some say John the Baptist, some say Elijah, and others say you are one of the other ancient prophets risen from the dead.”

20 Then he asked them, “But who do you say I am?”

Peter replied, “You are the Messiah sent from God!”


  • MrsLarCat
    MrsLarCat Posts: 118
    Observation: Not only was there enough food to feed the crowd, but there were leftovers, clearly a miracle. Those who knew who Jesus was were still thinking within the boundaries of man - what is possible to us - not to God.

    Application: Please help me to break the earthly barriers of thought and to have faith and belief - that is constant and strong.
  • cdgirl
    cdgirl Posts: 158 Member
    Lord thank you that you always see the big picture when it comes to our lives.Lord that you always have our best interests at heart and that you always give us whats best for us.May we be at peace today in the confidence that you are in control of every area of our lives and that you always provide for us.Amen
  • kimbershep
    kimbershep Posts: 72
    LUKE 9:10-20

    Jesus slipped away quietly shows that He wanted some alone time with the 12 disciples. Maybe He wanted to go further in conversation with what happened along their journeys as each of them had gone out to do the work of the Lord? Either way, the crowds found Him nontheless but Jesus showed us here how we are to react when our schedules or our plans are interrupted by people who are in need. If the people made it their business to find Him, then they had great needs. Jesus responded in love by welcoming them. He put His to do list aside and cared for the people.

    The 12 disciples wanted to send them away for them to have food and rest; however Jesus had a bigger plan. He wanted the disciples to see that when there is a need, God's power never fails. They were focusing on what they didn't have but Jesus saw the physical and spiritual need in the people and wanted to provide for both.

    When we are in need and at times get discouraged due to lack of faith, the enemy uses that to make us think the wrong thing which keeps us away from believing God. God will provide whatever need we have. Our time is not His timing however His is always right on time. We have 3 vehicles. I drive the truck due to having to drop the kids off at daycare and all. The other 2 are cars and both of them went out last weekend. We were looking at $2700 or more to fix both. We were trying to get out of debt and had spend a great deal of savings paying off most of it. So, we really didn't have $3000 to spare without having to go back in what was left of our savings. Well, on the way from picking up one car that we had to get the most important issue dealt with so that my husband could drive it, I stopped at the mailbox and there was a check in there for almost $2000. I know that God could have taken care of the entire bill however it is a GREAT blessing that He even provided us with what came. It was unexpected. God knew our need before we even knew it and took care of it. That was sitting in there since the earlier part of last week. Just like a true parent, God is concerned about our lives. He want us to cast all cares upon Him so that He can take care of it.

    The last few verses are amazing because it holds us accountable for what we believe; which is why Jesus asked the question and it was written in the Book for us. People may have their own idea of Jesus. I have my brother who is very dear to me but believes that Jesus was just a man like you and I. He was nothing more than a prophet. I personally cannot go off of what someone else believes. When you experience Christ for yourself, you will have no doubt in your mind who He is.

    Verse 11 really stood out to me because I am dealing with being patient with people and developing a more humble, caring and loving nature. I was experiencing someone wanting to impede on my time that I already had set which made me frustrated a little. I initially began to think about what all I had to do and do it with the kids how can I add more on top of that. Well, I believe this verse spoke volumes to me. I ask the question to myself, what if God says that to me? What if He says I blessed you yesterday and right now, what you are praying for is impeding on my time dealing with someone else? No, our God is LOVING, and CARING. So, I can really say that I can put on the mind of Christ :) I can never doubt God's power. He is God...Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omni-present. He can do anything! Lastly, I can stand on my belief in knowing who Jesus is for myself and never stray.

    Heavenly Father, I bless you God for who you are in my life. You are always there; even when I're there. My love for you is never-ending. Thank you for your provisions, thank you for your grace, mercy and forgiveness. Thank you for your love. I ask that you continue to show yourself and your Son through your Word as we read and study together. Bless each and every woman of God studying in this session. Open their eyes and hearts to allow your Word and understanding to grow by leaps and bounds. Thank you for hearing our prayers and blessing in a mighty way. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.
  • kimbershep
    kimbershep Posts: 72
    Sorry for the long SOAP :blushing: I love expressing my thoughts and emotions through writing and I can get carried away at times. I hope it is a blessing although since we are developing relationships with each other while we are studying together. I hope everyone have a blessed day and week!
  • MrsLarCat
    MrsLarCat Posts: 118
    This was wonderful to read - thank you!!!! There is never any limit to a response btw - type pages if you feel the need. :)
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    LUKE 9:10-20

    Jesus slipped away quietly shows that He wanted some alone time with the 12 disciples. Maybe He wanted to go further in conversation with what happened along their journeys as each of them had gone out to do the work of the Lord? Either way, the crowds found Him nontheless but Jesus showed us here how we are to react when our schedules or our plans are interrupted by people who are in need. If the people made it their business to find Him, then they had great needs. Jesus responded in love by welcoming them. He put His to do list aside and cared for the people.

    I struggle so much with interrupted schedule! This is such a needed reminder for me. People are so much more important than schedules and loving on them better than sticking to my timeline.
    Thanks for sharing that observation for us!
  • kimbershep
    kimbershep Posts: 72
    LUKE 9:10-20

    Jesus slipped away quietly shows that He wanted some alone time with the 12 disciples. Maybe He wanted to go further in conversation with what happened along their journeys as each of them had gone out to do the work of the Lord? Either way, the crowds found Him nontheless but Jesus showed us here how we are to react when our schedules or our plans are interrupted by people who are in need. If the people made it their business to find Him, then they had great needs. Jesus responded in love by welcoming them. He put His to do list aside and cared for the people.

    I struggle so much with interrupted schedule! This is such a needed reminder for me. People are so much more important than schedules and loving on them better than sticking to my timeline.
    Thanks for sharing that observation for us!

    You are very welcome. It was helping me also. I'll tell you one thing, I do understand when the bible says the Word is like a two-edged sword. I see myself and it pricks me too lol.