Come on in!

Acacia2India Posts: 446 Member
Hi, I'm Meli and I thought I would put a group together for the spoonies on the site :)

I am dealing with several issues. Celiac but that is the small potatoes. In 2006 I sustained an injury to my head and neck while serving and my condition has been slowly worsening over time. Currently my focus is to try and get my pain under control (I'm under the care of a pain clinic) and then take it one step at a time. For now my weight loss has taken a back seat seat, though it is on my mind every moment of every day.

Oh - and I have a 9 month old and it takes a lot to get both of us through the day.


  • MaryAnnKingBauer
    MaryAnnKingBauer Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Meli! It is nice to meet you. It took me a long time to accept I needed to do take things a step at a time with having MS and heart disease. I have finally come to terms with that. My MS especially and the effects of it has worn on my spirit and even my marriage. Weight loss for me has also taken a back seat for a long time. I am really trying to put it back to the forefront now because I also have heart disease and it is important I get that under control. It is so tough. You must be so busy with your 9 month old. I get to watch my two year old grandson from time to time and I can't keep up with him. I am usually down for two days after having him for two days! I guess if he was here all the time I would adapt better :smile: I look forward to getting to know you along our respective journeys. Take care!
  • traceyc013
    traceyc013 Posts: 132 Member
    Hi Meli, hi Maryann,

    So glad I found a spoonies group. I am 51 diagnosed with RA and lupus I the last two years. I am about 100 pounds overweight and I am tired of it... Have committed to doing some walking to start a new a. D healthier life. Chronic pain is not going to ruin my life.
  • Acacia2India
    Acacia2India Posts: 446 Member
    Hi Tracey! Welcome! I'm glad you joined.

    MaryAnn I just realized I didn't reply to you. My sincere apologies! Welcome to you too!
  • traceyc013
    traceyc013 Posts: 132 Member
    Thanks Meli! Hope everyone is doing well! I have got to learn how to see when folks respond.... Off to learn how to use this app more efficiently!!
  • BigLynxae
    BigLynxae Posts: 85 Member
    Hello group mates! My name is Kori but everyone just calls me Lynx.

    I've been a sufferer of intracranial hypertension (also known as pseudotumor cerebri) for two years. It is a lesser known chronic disorder I think. Pretty much my body produces spinal fluid quicker than I can absorb it and the excess fluid crowds my spine, brain, and optical nerves. I have crippling migraines multiple times a year and live with a regular headache that rarely goes away. Sometimes the pressure in my head will cause one or both of my eyes to deviate.

    The doctors think that my weight (my bmi classifies me as morbidly obese and I am about 130 pounds overweight) is the leading cause and so, even though my weight loss has been taking a backseat for me too until recently, I really need to stick with it, even though losing the weight may or may not cause me to go into remission.

    Well that was long winded, haha, so sorry!! A little bit about me is that I am a 5'6", 290 lb housewife and online student. I had never heard of the spoon theory but while reading it, I felt it described a lot of my life pretty well. (I actually cried while reading it LOL)

    I really look forward to getting to know everyone and I hope we can all support each other in our endeavors! :)
  • Acacia2India
    Acacia2India Posts: 446 Member
    Hi Lynx! Isn't the Spoon Theory just perfectly on point? I first had it sent to me by a friend on FB and I couldn't believe it when I read it - it describes my life better than anything I could put into my own words.

    You and I are very close in weight - I weighed in at 285 and change last Saturday except that I'm 5'1 and almost a decade older (damn - I feel ancient now). Either way, my weight needs to come off. I know that once the weight does my medication doses can be decreased and it will make it easier to manage my pain and move my body overall.

    I'm so glad that you found the 100+ group and joined this one. I'm always happy to support a fellow Spoonie!
  • traceyc013
    traceyc013 Posts: 132 Member
    Hi Lynx!

    Im older than both of you so hush... (51... how the heck did that happen???) I too am in the 280 range... I have never weighed so much... thank you prednisone and chronic pain... but it's slowly coming off and I am so very glad that today anyway, I can help that process along....
  • jaineymoo
    jaineymoo Posts: 2 Member
    Hellooooo spoonies :)
    I'm Jainey! Do you mind if I ramble for a moment!? :#:#:#

    I have Ehlers Danlos, Psoriatic Arthritis, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Intercostal Neuralgia.

    Last year I lost nearly 4 stone with weight watchers, and was pounds away from my goal. I was running, swimming, even a bit of light weight training!

    Then just before my Christmas I got a stomach ulcer from my meds which meant I had to stop taking them all and that lead to everything getting worse.

    This year I have put all my weight back on and more... I can't walk far anymore from breathlessness, pain, tachycardia and dislocations, I can't lie down to sleep, and gastoparesis makes it so hard to eat so when I can eat I find myself shovelling it in, good food or bad!!

    Why MFP then? Well I need my fitness back to get better and counter my meds, I hate (HATE) how I look, I threw away all my old clothes so live in leggings and being overweight makes all my symptoms million times worse.
    I will get back to where I was, and get to my goal, I just might need a little help! <3

    Oh, positive things too! I still work full time, I'm a student, my fiance is gorrrrgeous, I have a beautiful 8 year old stepdaughter and an amazing mum!!! <3<3<3
  • traceyc013
    traceyc013 Posts: 132 Member
    Hi Jainey... You WILL get there. I hate it when the meds that are supposed to help us start to hurt us... I have had that issue with prednisone lately...