Looking for women who want and need a change in their life!

NatalieDay2 Posts: 20 Member
Hey mamas! So I'll make this short and sweet! :) My fitness and health journey started at the end of January because I hit rock bottom and frankly was sick of be overweight and always feeling tired!! I didn't have the energy to play with my two little boys and didn't even want to leave the house!! I currently live in England so I should enjoy the journey I'm on, but before I started this journey I just wanted to sit on the couch and eat horrible food!! It was a vicious cycle and I had to do something about it!! SO I decided to stand up for myself and CHANGE my situation!! I took the biggest leap of faith and joined Beachbody. Not knowing if it was going to work because I've tried several other programs before and ended up losing weight, but then just gaining it right back! I knew this was different though, it is a lifestyle change, NOT just a diet! I am now 29 lbs lighter, have energy to play with my boys, my mood is 100 times better, I'm building financial freedom for my family, I'm a happier person and can turn a negative into a positive!! What I'm saying is don't give up on yourself when you feel like you are at your lowest...there is always time to change and make yourself healthier, stronger, and happier!