What threads or online materials have you found helpful or interesting?

taco_inspector Posts: 7,223 Member
To get things started, let's open a thread about interesting, useful, or otherwise enlightening threads found in the MFP Community or elsewhere:

Lemme get this started:
While some of the "be honest and accurate" threads in the newbie areas are good, I'll just assume that eveyone's seen and read these already... (if not, do; they help drive the value of MFP as a food log and calorie-counting tool): Above these, one thread that resonates well with me was started by @usmcmp and she still sees to it that this thread is 'maintained' in good fashion. While her thread's title is about a 'Nice Stomach', the material presented in the thread is strongly oriented toward successful fat loss and the preservation of body mass. I have a few friends that have done a great job of losing weight, and as a direct result, have become weakened and frail without significantly changing their fat-to-useful-body-mass ratios (some people refer to this as being "Skinny Fat").

@usmcmp 's thread "So, You Want a Nice Stomach" is LONG (and growing) and speaks directly to maintaining and increasing the value of your body's working muscle as you reduce useless-fat loading as opposed to simply dropping weight as number on a scale each week (losing some muscle as you shrink); I find the content, support, and wide variety of Q&A in the thread to be quite valuable is very many respects.

Take a read through a few pages, if not all, and see what resonates with you:

Nothing in the thread changed my focus or my life-goals, but the information did reaffirm all that I've seen as a witness to the wasting-away of some of my friends as they lost weight for various reasons. Unlike them, I will not pass gently, nor fade to weakness as I remove my useless fat-weight.
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

What threads / online resources have you found to be most helpful (or interesting)?