Roll Call!



  • rdbasile
    rdbasile Posts: 82 Member
    I will lose 35, hitting my target of 165. 12 lost so far. I'm thinking a pirate or cowboy.
  • daisy888mfp
    daisy888mfp Posts: 31 Member
    Hi! Hoping to lose 40 lbs by then! And undecided on costume.
  • ChristieisReady
    ChristieisReady Posts: 708 Member
    Hey guys! Great goals!

    I do feel obligated to note that as of today, the 2-lb-per-week safety limit is a goal loss of 26 lbs by Halloween. Not telling you what CAN be done, or what you SHOULD do, just a quick reminder.

    You guys are awesome!

    (Obviously those who are severely overweight or are under the guidance of a doctor will experience weight loss differently than most of us. )
  • Bovaryoo
    Bovaryoo Posts: 1,374 Member
    Hi, I'm hoping to lose 14lbs by then. My costume will mostly likely ghoul from the 18th century
  • 1214sarah
    1214sarah Posts: 17 Member
    I would like to lose 20 lbs by Halloween. I haven't decided on a costume yet. Waiting on my girls to pick so we can have a theme!
  • PratoN
    PratoN Posts: 20 Member
    I guess I should get on the list! From July 22nd to Halloween, I hope to have lost 13 lbs - unless I start gaining muscle by then! Undecided, but hopefully something risqué.
  • jmd543
    jmd543 Posts: 174 Member
    I probably confused things by noting my total "by Halloween" since June goal instead of weight lost during the challenge only. Since I expected slowed loss after the -20 start, I was unsure. Let's go for -15 lbs. in the next three months, since I want to add some muscle, and a costume that doesn't include a long jacket or cape.
  • mandyP79
    mandyP79 Posts: 84 Member
    I finally broke down and weighed today but it was mid afternoon. I am weigh 7lbs more than what I was hoping but I guessed the right weight when I checked in on mfp. I am kind of disappointed because I can't tell a difference yet but I have to remind myself that I didn't weigh when I started so there is no telling how much that I have actually lost. If I can figure out how to post pics, I will take my a pic tomorrow because I did take a before pic when I started. So, my goal has changed since I weigh more than I hoped. My goal now will be 150 to 155.
  • ChristieisReady
    ChristieisReady Posts: 708 Member
    mandy- rule 1 of weighing yourself is Thou Shalt Not Weigh-In After Breakfast. (Ok, technically it's not a rule, and maybe it skews the results a teensy bit, but I've always found weighing yourself in the afternoon to be an unnecessarily depressing decision). I'm not sure where you're at right now, but 155 sounds like a reasonable, achievable and excellent goal. ((hugs))
  • ajhouse
    ajhouse Posts: 584 Member
    Goal is 15 pounds by Halloween.
    Costume ideas? Need to figure out something cute for my little girl and will probably do something that goes with that.
  • Moonlightsonata79
    Moonlightsonata79 Posts: 16 Member
    Not sure what i will be.
  • Jg04811
    Jg04811 Posts: 102 Member
    Is it to late to join?? I want to be down 18 by Halloween. That will put me under the 200 mark. Not sure on what costume yet =)
  • mnnyc
    mnnyc Posts: 11 Member
    -20 pounds
    Costume: FKA twigs
  • JamieD328
    JamieD328 Posts: 976 Member
    I always plan to do something like this and never do, so first off, great challenge idea! I'll shoot for 15 lbs, and from this morning that will put me at 136. The current plan in my house is to be either Donatello or Raphael from TMNT, but with a two year old and a four year old, that may be subject to change, or if I can actually go out after trick or treat I may have a second costume.
  • mandyP79
    mandyP79 Posts: 84 Member
    mandy- rule 1 of weighing yourself is Thou Shalt Not Weigh-In After Breakfast. (Ok, technically it's not a rule, and maybe it skews the results a teensy bit, but I've always found weighing yourself in the afternoon to be an unnecessarily depressing decision). I'm not sure where you're at right now, but 155 sounds like a reasonable, achievable and excellent goal. ((hugs))

    Thank you :) I weighed again the next morning and was 2lbs lighter.
  • ChristieisReady
    ChristieisReady Posts: 708 Member
    edited August 2015
    @Jg04811 You can join at any time! Obviously, the longer you're in, the more you're likely to get out of it, but we're only 1 week in, so it is far, FAR from over!
  • ChristieisReady
    ChristieisReady Posts: 708 Member
    Still adding to the original roll-call post on this thread regularly. If you don't see yourself- let me know! We want to be sure everyone gets cheered on!