Nine months on, nine months still on!!!

MissMeaganLyn Posts: 61 Member
I still have all of my baby weight to lose. 20lbs to be exact but if I'm being honest I'd love to lose 30lbs. Are any of you moms nursing and trying to lose weight. I'm not worried about losing my supply since I'm guessing it's pretty well established since my little one is almost 10 months but I still haven't started my period back up yet and I'm wondering if hormones are going to play a role in my weight loss journey.


  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    My baby (my third) is nearly 15 months and I haven't lost all the weight yet, and I've been back at the gym since she was 6.5 weeks old! It took about 20 months after my second to lose it all and be where I wanted to be, so I guess I have another few months yet. It's the belly I need to lose now, and my thighs and hips are still a bit bigger than they were. My top half seems to have lost weight more quickly.

    I'm not nursing now. I only managed 3 months due to poor supply. This has happened with all 3 of mine. I took loads of things like nursing tea, blessed thistle, fenugreek and even domperidone after my 2nd. All those things can cause weight gain, and I actually gained weight initially because of those, which hasn't made losing weight easy.
  • supersocks117
    supersocks117 Posts: 169 Member
    You're doing better than I am. I am 2 years PP and just getting my self together here. I am nursing and trying to be mindful of supply. If you could use a buddy feel free to add me. I have about 50 lbs (or so, I'll stop when I feel like I am at a good weight) - about 5 down, 45 to go.
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    I am, too! My baby is almost 10 months and has started really eating solids, so I'm not worried about supply anymore. I gained about 55 lbs with her pregnancy and its been hard to lose. I'm finally 40lbs down, but have to really eat at a deficit to lose. ( ie, go to bed hungry). I just make sure to drink a lot of water and eat lots of healthy fats and I have not had supply issues.
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    I also have not gotten my period back and don't expect it back until a year ( like my other 2), but that is a really good point about hormones! I'm sure they play a part!
  • forkyouNoforkU
    forkyouNoforkU Posts: 7 Member
    I'm 17 months pp and I'm still working on those last 10lbs! Getting serious about it now though
    I still have all of my baby weight to lose. 20lbs to be exact but if I'm being honest I'd love to lose 30lbs. Are any of you moms nursing and trying to lose weight. I'm not worried about losing my supply since I'm guessing it's pretty well established since my little one is almost 10 months but I still haven't started my period back up yet and I'm wondering if hormones are going to play a role in my weight loss journey.