I was told I have PCOS about 6 months ago. I already have one child So I'm guessing I got this horrible after I had my son. I want to lose the weight to be healthier and I head that its easier to get pregnant when you are at a healthier weight.


  • happyangela16
    happyangela16 Posts: 5 Member
    Good luck! I wish you the best in your journey. I have been married since May 2012 and been trying for a baby since then with no luck. I've gone up and down in weight but i'm determined this time to make it work. I'm 30 years old and the clock is ticking! I really hope my period will regulate once I start losing more weight
  • mplswhovian
    mplswhovian Posts: 15 Member
    I'm there with you too! I was just diagnosed and we're trying for a baby, but I'm focusing on losing weight before I try any of the fertility drugs.
  • BurnsieBaby
    BurnsieBaby Posts: 5 Member
    We've been trying to have our baby for going on 3 years. Diagnosed with PCOS 3 years ago this month. Had a miscarriage in November. Got the go ahead to start trying again this month. Just need to loose about 20 lbs first. Period hasn't regulated, haven't regulated. Feeling very disheartened. But certainly going to fight for it. Totally feeling your situation!
  • tpeeps78
    tpeeps78 Posts: 2 Member
    Been trying for 15 years. I've run the doctors, medications, ups and downs from hormones, miscarriage, temp checks, family things, used countless apps for diet and weight loss tracking, done the foster care 15 great and crazy kids later, 1 adoption, and countless diets. I've given up on the doctors and the medication it all just stressed me out specially when I did research and truly found out how bad some of the things were for my body. Then I just changed my way of thinking and decided I wanted to to this for me and if the baby happened for me it would happen. (Ok, I did do a female mud run: which set a fire off in me to improve) So, I worked out and got about 10 lbs off I was happier but not improving enough. I got a a garmin vitofit and switched to my fitnesspal and changed up my eating and workouts, ok I feel off the wagon a few times but I'm back up and moving in the right direction. Down to 180 lbs today which is great to see, next goal is 168 lbs the wedding weight I'm gonna try to get there within 6 weeks. Which is going to be a huge struggle for me and I have many more goals ahead of me. So, lets rock and roll together to get to our goals.
  • stripepanther1989
    stripepanther1989 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey Guys!
    Newbie PCOS lady here.... Not officially diagnosed yet but my OB/GYN says I have all the signs of it.
    *excessive hair on chin, navel, back, and fast growing dark hair on legs and arms
    *midsection weight that wont go away
    *irregular and very heavy bleeding with huge clots and I mean huge and often.... :s
    *not sure if I ovulate on my own
    *dark patches of skin
    *huge family history of diabetes and other fertility related issues
    *low energy and morale
    *and more

    I have been married for almost a year and TTC for 4+years with my husband Sean. He is 40 years old so we're at that time where I'm worried about his little guys having any life left....
    There has been several times I was 2 weeks late and showing all symptoms but the day I take a test....I start. Aside from those few scares, my periods are actually very regular...every 30-33 days for 3-4 days. About every 3-4 months I'll have like two weeks of spotting before my period starts...fun fun.

    I'm trying to lose weight to increase my chances but I am dealing with the huge cravings and the insulin resistance. Need to get from 200lbs to 130lbs my goal. Fingers crossed!

    I am wanting to try a Low GI Diet to see how that works for me but I'm already seeing that as very hard. Looking at how the average American, and my own family, we all live off of carbs practically... even my patients at my nursing home despite half of them being diabetic...

    Things I have slowly changed and tried. For breakfast I've been doing a fruit smoothie with frozen tropical fruit, a banana, a cup of milk and some protein powder. Lunch is whatever is free at work (full of carbs of course... :( ) I try to bring salads to work but that's getting costly too and I see the free food and cue the d*mn cravings lol. Dinner is either meat and vegetables or spaghetti and vegetables. I'm trying to get at least the spaghetti to be more whole wheat or quinoa. If I didn't hate fish and seafood with a passion I'd happily switch to Paleo. I'm a Texan girl, I love my beef lol :D

    I think I'm subconsciously looking for an easy weight loss because I keep ignoring the exercise part... haha..... sigh.....