How do YOU deload?

lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
In SL, you are supposed to try (and fail) at the same weight 3 times before deloading. I haven't been doing this at all. If I only missed the weight by a few reps I will try it again, but never more than twice. If I missed a lot of reps, or I've already tried it twice, I go down 10%, get in some extra reps or even an extra set, then try again. If I only manage 3 reps on the first set (this has happened), I deload then and there without even trying my other four sets at the higher weight. This seems to make more sense then just pounding away at the same weight each time, particularly on OHP. On the other hand, I may be slowing my progress way down.

What is YOUR deload strategy? What have you tried, and how has it worked for you?

Oh and on related topic: When you report the weights that you push, do you report the number that you have successfully completed 5x5 or the weight that you are currently trying? These are my successful 5x5 numbers in pounds
Squat: 105
Bench: 90
Row: 80
OHP: 60 (hopefully 65 today! I got 5x4 last time :)
Deadlift: 150


  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    I only report successful reps. If I don't feel rock-solid, it doesn't count.

    I have been following the 3x rule for deloads, but I've only had to do that on OHP so far. Even when I have only gotten 2 good reps out of a set I try to finish out the entire lift, just extending my breaks a bit. So, when I deloaded on OHP, it was because I had tried to get 5x5 at 70 3 workouts in a row and failed. I backed down to 60, did 5x5, then 5x6, then did 65 5x5, 5x6 then did 70 5x5 no problem. And now I go up with fractionals, but following the same pattern of adding reps after I get it (at 3x5 now, as I'm on my second cycle and my workouts go too long).
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    i guess i don't really deload? i decided pushing my weight lifting numbers was making me too hungry, and i'm poor and lazy and didn't want to cook up so much food every day (i have hypoglycemia too, so i had to eat straight protein not just veggies/fruits). i am still increasing my squats and deads, but not too concerned about bench, pendlay or ohp.

    my last sort of deload i went down to 115 from 135 for squats, working with each weight for 3 workouts (1 week) then adding 5lbs. though i am getting to a true parallel most reps whereas before i was not.

    i also lost my spotter a month back so it helped me decide to cool my jets for a bit. i deloaded to 135 from 165 for dls due to poor form, and just today i felt i could add a solid 10lbs for next time.

    i'm happy right where i am, plodding along slowly with my 45lb ohp, and 65 for bench and pendlay!

    i never do anything the way i'm supposed to :laugh: :laugh:
  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    I've been following the 3x rule, but this last workout I did the same way as you on the OHP. I only got 3 reps on my first set at 70lbs, so I went back to 65 and did 5x5. Next time I'll add reps (I learned this from Kirabob :flowerforyou: ) to the 65 if I can't manage the 70 at least 4 reps on the first set.

    I've deloaded once on bench, once on DL, and twice on OHP. (And once again on everything because my chiropractor called me an athlete and asked me nicely :smile: )

    I only post the weights I'm successful at lifting 5x5 with good form. If I do less, I might post something like OHP 65# 5/5/5/5/4 and then I do it again.

    I'm on week 11. These are my numbers:
    Squat: 175
    Bench: 85
    Row: 100
    OHP: 65
    Deadlift: 185