Starting over

dawnp1833 Posts: 264 Member
I totally gave up. I let all the drama at work get the best of me and I quit watching my food and exercising. The last time I really logged regularly was early May and even then, I wasn't putting forth much effort. I put 15 of the pounds that I fought so hard to lose back on, and there is no sign of any muscle tone under all this flab. I've binged and been lazy and generally wallowed in self-pity for the last few months.

But the whole time I kept thinking of this group, and how so many of you overcome your problems and don't give up. And I decided I need to get over it. I'm only punishing myself and not making anything better.

So, I'm back, starting now. And thanks to everyone for being so awesome and giving me the courage to try again.


  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    Last yr over the holidays I gained 13 lbs back of the 40 I had lost, I just knew I was going to gain it all back when someone at the gym told me about MFP. I started logging and got back on track. It takes such discipline but it works. Someone says you have the problem of logging or the problem of being overweight not fitting into your clothes, what problem do you want?
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Welcome back! That's great that you've decided to come back and give it another go. I'm sorry that all of your stuff at work has gotten to be so bad. Whenever something bad is going on, my stepmom always says "it's not a forever."

    It has helped me when things get bad to look at my diet, exercise, and time on MFP as a positive thing in my life, and that keeps me going when I feel like throwing in the towel. I hope you're able to get back into the groove and get to where you want to be.
  • susanjean62
    susanjean62 Posts: 200
    I'm so happy you didn't give up and came back. Different situations can trigger us to give up on our goals and we get back to emotional eating. Just when I think I have won that battle,a careless action or hurtful word from someone,can lead me right back to binging. It take guts and determination to get past all the junk in the world,and to be an overcomer. We all have this battle,sweetie,and hopefully we can help each other cross these hurdles.Please come back. We care about you and understand,not judge you. :heart: