White sugar vs Cane vs Corn vs Cactus...6/20

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member

Have you ever seen a fight? Well, the fight continues on this issue. I have seen people actually argue over this question! I once had a colleague tell me carrots are bad because they have too much sugar in them! Okaaaaay!
But I do agree wholeheartedly with the article and the 2nd time I might add I have heard a dietician say this. Don't get caught up in the fight...walk away and resolve to READ your labels!!!

Now challenges are not only for physical and food it is for your mind to learn and grow in knowledge put into action!



  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    I agree, stay out of this argument, quite frankly, my position is, no matter what type of sugar it is, I want to reduce it in my diet period, so I watch what I eat. Reading labels is habit for me, moreso because of the gluten free issue (which bring up a whole other issue with watching sugar: gluten free foods tend to be higher in sugar) but I think it's a good thing to do for awareness of what you're eating on a whole, I've read labels looking to see if something is gluten free and I've found some things that I was like "It doesn't matter, look how many calories it is/how much fat it has in it/how much sugar is in it" and reconsidered that item or checked to see if another brand had a "better" product.

    WW: I've been told the same thing about carrots and bananas too... I ignored that person and still have my yummy, crunchy carrot sticks at lunch (or for a snack with some hummus) and when I have a hankering for a banana I have a banana, I figure the sugar in them is in it's natural state and is better for me than all the sugars in the sugar controversy. And I bet you're munchin' out on your carrots too!! :happy:
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    I prefer the flavor of sugar to HFC in soda, if I'm going to get it full caloried.

    I prefer demarara, washed cane in my coffee or tea. Un-freaking-believably good and the cheapest you're going to find in a store.

    I haven't tried agave or cactus or any of the random other fruit sugars.

    They're all pretty much just sugar of a different source. Sort of like how rum, gin and vodka are basically just alcohol.

    Edit: Oh yeah, and I had two carrots with breakfast this morning. Your friend can kiss my hairy white butt.
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    I like my stevia for my tea or coffee since I like those to taste like syrup when it comes to the sweet taste level. But I like other sugars too. Its always been about how much I eat, not what type. I did have to limit my kid on sugar though - fruit. He has a huge sweet tooth and was eating up to 10 servings of fruit a day. So I cut him back down to no more then three. One at each meal or something at snack. His choice but only three on the average. And candy is rare. He actually gives most of his candy away at Halloween - the only one of my kids to voluntarily do that.
  • lintino
    lintino Posts: 526 Member
    What bothered me about the HFC is that it is in processed food that you would never expect. As I am gradually changing what I am eating, more and more processed foods are being eliminated. I read labels but much fewer of them. :smile:

    I do agree with all of you about carrots, though I do find it weird that they can also be high in sodium.