I thought I had my emotional eating under control,until last night. My daughter was visiting me and to start it off,she made a huge cake that she took to a friends barbeque. I told her to only bring back a few pieces,as I didn't want a big portion around,and to give away the rest. She brought back most of the cake. She is like her father(my ex) and doesn't respect my wishes. Then.when we went out to eat(with my ex) she had him take a picture of us,and it turned out very unflattering (of me),not her. He took another at the table,that turned out fine,and I asked her not to post the other one on Facebook. She went to bed early,as she had to get up at 4 A:M; to leave. After she went to bed,got on Facebook and there was the picture I asked her not to post. I was so upset and mad I sent her a text and she got up and screamed at me,didn't delete the picture and made a comment on it of how I want it removed because I thought I looked hideous. I have tried to get it off and can't do it. I was so upset over her disrespect,I got up in the middle of the night and ate half of that stupid cake. I threw it away this morning. I'm at a loss,and tired of all of this. Need to push through all of this.


  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    sounds lke you been around some jerk behavior lately. Hope you get around some nice people who are supportive soon! There are so many things we cannot control in this life. I do emotional eating also, here lately when I have been around some crappy stuff, self centered people I head to the gym rather than eat. At least I try to, sometimes I mess up til I get my head on straight.
  • susanjean62
    susanjean62 Posts: 200
    Thank you. I needed to hear from someone who understands. You are right about exercising. I" m just worn out.My daughter sent me an angry text,calling me names. Just gotta let it go. Something is going on with her and different. The entire visit she was texting on her phone and seemed irritable. I need to get a life! Anyway,thanks for getting back to me.:smile:
  • dawnp1833
    dawnp1833 Posts: 264 Member
    I think it's easy for children (even adult children) to forget that their mother is a person with feelings too. She's probably got some issue that has nothing to do with you, but can take her anger out on you because you'll still love her anyway. She's wrong and it's mean of her, and there is no excuse for it. But hopefully you can try not to take it too personally.

    Sorry her visit was so unpleasant for you. Try to focus on the positive things in your life.

  • susanjean62
    susanjean62 Posts: 200
    Thanks. You are right about putting my focus on positive things. Negativity creeps up on me and that becomes my focus.Grrr..thanks for reminding me.Count my blessings.:heart: