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April 2016 babies



  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,267 Member
    Thanks @fernt21 I started yesterday and froze some veggie chili and some red beans and rice with sausage.
    I also cook all of our meals daily from scratch so eating from the freezer is going to be different, but I know being prepared is going to be worth it. My husband, luckily, will eat just about anything I put in front of him. :)
    Quiche is a great idea. I could make easily.
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,267 Member
    31 weeks!! How is everyone feeling today?
  • lynn2064
    lynn2064 Posts: 12 Member
    32 Weeks today and feeling pretty good! Getting larger it feels like but I haven't been brave enough to weigh myself.
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,267 Member
    Oh my gosh @lynn2064 I weigh myself every morning! I really am wanting to stay within my 25-35 lb recommended weight gain. So far I'm doing okay with about 24 lbs gained and 8 weeks left. I have a dr. appointment tomorrow so i'll find out what their scale says, which of course, is the one that matters on my chart.
    I'm getting so excited! My husband is finishing up the painting of the nursery today so we can start moving in furniture and getting it decorated!!! Can hardly wait.
    I hope you have a great week!
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    30 weeks here. I do have gestational diabetes. Oh well. Sucks. Now I'm counting calories and carbs and it doesn't always matter. I made a crib skirt for the crib we stole from baby#3. Still have to make a new teething rail set (since baby#1 chewed it up and #2 helped later). We're going with a space theme for the little man. I'm making more of a nursery/theme for this one than the previous 3. I really just want a box of donuts and a sundae and a milkshake. I'll eat them after he's here.

    I'm up 25 lbs according to our scale, Dr apt tomorrow. I had been hoping to gain less but I went crazy over the holidays so I'll deal with it later. I weigh daily too, have for like 3 years now? Holy crap I met my fitness pal early March 2013. Crazy!
  • EmmaDetermined
    EmmaDetermined Posts: 115 Member
    Sorry to hear you have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes, but looking at the bright side it will keep you tracking and eating healthily until the end :) Exciting news about decorating etc., I cannot wait until I can start baby prep!
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,267 Member
    32 weeks today! Getting the nursery furniture in the room after work tonight. My husband has done an amazing job getting the room ready for baby. I know once this "nesting" time begins it is going to be hard to wait on the baby to get here. I'm already excited, nervous, scared, elated and sooooo ready!
    Who else has their nursery ready or would share some stories of getting ready for baby??
  • EmmaDetermined
    EmmaDetermined Posts: 115 Member
    I wish! I am studying ATM so all the nesting I will be doing is in the form of writing 35,000 words worth of assignments and dissertations and a couple of exams. Trying to finish in record time so that I can enjoy baby once she is here. I have done little bits of shopping though when something has caught my eye :) I still have the old cot from the others in the loft, so I will get that down but that's pretty much it.
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    Sorry to hear you have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes, but looking at the bright side it will keep you tracking and eating healthily until the end :) Exciting news about decorating etc., I cannot wait until I can start baby prep!

    Definitely tracking more than I was before. I told my husband counting calories is old hat at this point but calories AND carbs? That's just annoying. With my 1st I just counted carbs and gained a fair amount so this time I'm trying to do both to keep the sugars and my weight under control.

    Good luck with the studying! I do NOT envy that.
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,267 Member
    Good morning ladies!!! 33 weeks today! My husband and I are attending a childbirth class tonight at the hospital where we'll have our baby. I'm looking forward to the information and a tour of the facility. Anyone else doing a class?
    Oh my goodness, I had the worst leg cramp/Charlie horse of my life last night while sleeping. I can't believe I didn't wake my husband when I gasped and starting writhing in pain. anyone else experience any leg cramps??
    Have a great day ladies!!!
  • EmmaDetermined
    EmmaDetermined Posts: 115 Member
    I hate cramps! Toe curling, literally! I always have to eat a banana every day towards the end of pregnancy to keep potassium levels up and prevent cramps. I get rather obsessed about it, to the point of making my husband get out of bed and go down to get me one (I get SPD so the stairs are difficult) if I go to bed and realise I have forgotten one day.
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,267 Member
    33 week appointment today... how is everyone doing??

    My ob/gyn appointment was great... weight gain excellent, blood pressure excellent, measurements excellent, baby heart rate excellent. I go back in two weeks then start my once a week trips :)

    I also have the best, most supportive husband in the whole world and couldn't ask for a better partner in this life.
  • EmmaDetermined
    EmmaDetermined Posts: 115 Member
    Glad everything is progressing nicely for you! :)
  • FluttershySweetie
    FluttershySweetie Posts: 216 Member
    I am technically due May 9th with twin boys but my doctor said if they don't come by 38 weeks on their own then I have a planned c-section for April 22 :)
    I have been all over the place with my eating from barely anything from being so sick and indigestion to not ever being full and just spending a whole day eating.
    I am on semi bed rest and have been since 22 weeks (now 30) and can barely exercise at all.
    Started off my pregnancy a bit overweight (maybe 15lbs) and my Dr wants me to eat about 3000 cals a day.

    Please add me as a friend as I would love to have other moms for support through this.
    It's been a painful and long pregnancy so far lol (my third)
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,267 Member
    Okay ladies, 35 weeks today!! I hope everyone is feeling great! I can't believe this precious baby will be here so soon. I almost don't want my pregnancy to end. It has been such a wonderful experience.
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    @FluttershySweetie Welcome! I can't imagine twins! You must be doing a great job cooking them. It's amazing you have an end date in sight. That's one thing I'm jealous of the csection mamas: they know how far they have to go. My first was 13 days overdue so I feel like there's never an end!

    34+4 here. Dr apt yesterday was fine. My weight gain is @ 28 lbs. That's more than I wanted to do this entire pregnancy, but it is what it is. Blood pressure is great. Blood sugars are in check so the doc is letting me go one last 2 week break inbetween visits. Next check is the GBS swab. I was positive for it with my first and the 4 bags of antibiotics were miserable as i found out I am now allergic to penicillin (which I hadn't been before). Hoping I won't be positive this time like the last 2 times!

    Been nesting like I'm having him tomorrow. We moved into our house Dec 2014 and I feel like we've gotten more organized the last 4 weeks than the previous year! Our house has never looked better (inside and out) but we are exhausted. My husband is begging for a break! With my contractions I should take one too. But the drive for this one is insane! I didn't nest like this with my previous 3.

    I am ready to move onto the next stage. I'm ready to get him out and get healing. I'm ready to stop gaining weight for the last time in my life. I'm ready to get crappier sleep then hopefully better (waking 3 times a night, waking super early now, etc). I really hope he comes a little early (during weeks 38-39). My kids have been born in order: 41+6, 40+6 & 39+5. I'm already done at 34 weeks so the idea of 41 weeks is hard. I'm done rambling.
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,267 Member
    36 week check-up went great today!! I hope everyone is feeling well and enjoying these last few weeks of pregnancy. I'm definitely having some pain but have been able to sleep a little better these last couple nights.
    I wish nothing but health and happiness for you all on this journey!!
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,267 Member
    Hello April Mothers!! How is everyone doing? Just a few weeks left. I had my 37 week appointment yesterday and all is well. Baby is still in the correct position, all other stats are good and even though I'm no dilated at all dr. says this little one can come at any time.
    I celebrated by having my third prenatal massage which I recommend to anyone. I feel so amazing today!

    How is everyone on this beautiful Friday???
  • EmmaDetermined
    EmmaDetermined Posts: 115 Member
    37 weeks! Wow!! Pre-natal massages are great! I did some Clarins ones when I had my daughter many years ago. I am not sure if they still do them but they included a massage and mini facial and were amazing. These days I am too stressed to enjoy a massage (more hassle booking/attending than it is worth), but I do miss them!
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    edited March 2016
    I'm 36 weeks tomorrow and still nesting like crazy. My house looks amazing. I went through all my baby girl clothes and am in the process of getting rid of most of them (not the sentimental ones). I'm having a boy and this is my 4th and final child so I'm making some room. I had 3 huge bins full! I still have to get car seat down, wash the cover, install it, and break out the newborn clothes and wash them. But I still probably have 4 weeks left (earliest has been 39+5) despite the friggen contractions that keep plaguing me. Ugh. Family is coming in as backup to watch the other 3 starting at 38+5. I wouldn't complain if he came earlier though.