Chest Cold during HM training - need advice

JustSomeEm Posts: 20,197 MFP Moderator
I am training for a HM on 20SEP, and 2 weeks ago came down with a 'lite' chest cold. I took the week off running, then felt better on Saturday so went for a run that turned into an 11 mile training run. I woke up Sunday feeling like I'd been hit by a Mac truck... and then it backed up and ran me over again a couple of times. I took last week completely off of running (so only have managed ONE long run in 2 weeks, and no other training runs). Yesterday I still felt croupy (still coughing up the last of the phlegm) but was itching to get out and run, so I went for a 2 mile very slow run with walk breaks. As of this morning, I'm much better. The phlegm coughing has winnowed down to once every couple of hours or so. Anyway, I need to get back in the saddle, but am unsure how to go about it. I haven't really run for 2 weeks, and have 3 weekends to get long runs in prior to the actual HM.

Currently I'm thinking of doing another 2 miles tomorrow (Monday 8/23) and if that works out as I want then 3 miles on Wednesday and another 3 on Thursday, then a 10 miler on Saturday - then continuing the training plan as its written which will get me up to speed and comfortably running the HM in time... I just don't want to end up injuring myself so close to the race, so am looking for experienced advice. I'm a little gun-shy, since this is my second attempt at a half and I sprained my ankle DURING my last one and was unable to finish due to being a bit stupid with training/pre-race injury.

So.... Advice?


  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    I think your plan is sound. You can always make your 10 miler shorter if you're not up to it come Saturday. But I find that especially with chest colds, getting 2 mile or 3 mile runs in -- even with plenty of walk breaks -- helps get the gunk out and gets me back on track. Hope you're back to your regularly scheduled runs next weekend!
  • Carrieendar
    Carrieendar Posts: 493 Member
    A lot of the bacteria and viruses that cause deep chest colds destroy all the ciliated cells in the respiratory tract and it can take weeks (or in the case of something like pertussis- months) to replenish them all. Losing those cells makes getting rid of mucous very difficult for the system. I would start very slowly because more irritation will mean more damage and still longer healing time.
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,197 MFP Moderator
    Well, @Carrieendar - I did indeed start slow. Sigh. This morning's run was more of a walk than a run. MIGHT have been because I hadn't had coffee yet, though. Early morning runs, pre-coffee are torture. :p

    Thanks for the advice. I'll let y'all know how it goes.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    davis_em wrote: »
    Well, @Carrieendar - I did indeed start slow. Sigh. This morning's run was more of a walk than a run. MIGHT have been because I hadn't had coffee yet, though. Early morning runs, pre-coffee are torture. :p

    Thanks for the advice. I'll let y'all know how it goes.

    makes the coffee taste even more divine then
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Since you've already done a training run of 11 miles, I'd say you're in good shape for the HM in general, so don't stress yourself out too much feeling you must hit all the training plan runs. See how you feel, back off the pace, and shorten the long runs, if need be. Really listen to your body this week and next. Don't be afraid to miss another run or so for extra rest. The key is to be crossing that finish line in 3 weeks! It'll be a personal best, no matter what.
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,197 MFP Moderator
    brandiuntz wrote: »
    Since you've already done a training run of 11 miles, I'd say you're in good shape for the HM in general, so don't stress yourself out too much feeling you must hit all the training plan runs. See how you feel, back off the pace, and shorten the long runs, if need be. Really listen to your body this week and next. Don't be afraid to miss another run or so for extra rest. The key is to be crossing that finish line in 3 weeks! It'll be a personal best, no matter what.

    Thanks - that's too true and made me smile.

    Update: I ran a 9.5 miles of a 10 mile run on Saturday, and did something to my knee turning around on a hill at the end... Ended up doing the walk of shame home. LOL! Anyway, my chest feels fine on the runs and the knee isn't painful or odd feeling now that I've let it rest for a couple of days - just did a slow/steady 3.5 miler to test it out.

    I truly truly appreciate the advice, and I feel a ton better about the HM now that I'm running decent mileage again, pain and hacking free.
  • veganbettie
    veganbettie Posts: 701 Member
    good luck!! I have a half on the 20th too!!! My second, i'm not super ready or excited, but I got 30% off!! haha
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,197 MFP Moderator
    good luck!! I have a half on the 20th too!!! My second, i'm not super ready or excited, but I got 30% off!! haha


    You don't happen to be in DC, do you? I'm running in the Navy - Air Force Half. Should be pretty. Love downtown DC. :)
  • veganbettie
    veganbettie Posts: 701 Member
    noooo i actually stalked you on here to see if you were near me. :wink: I'm in California. :)