Introduce yourself

Themuseinme Posts: 224 Member
Hello everyone. I searched for groups on this subject and couldn't find any. If there are others please inform me- No sense reinventing the wheel.

Let's introduce ourselves and share a bit about our disease.


  • vcek
    vcek Posts: 90 Member

    I'm 70 years old and was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease 2-1/2 years ago. My major frustration is: With all the meds I'm taking, I continue to get worse. I'm trying to lose weight to see if that doesn't help at all!
  • Themuseinme
    Themuseinme Posts: 224 Member
    Just saw your post
  • vcek
    vcek Posts: 90 Member
    Well, now I'm 72 years old and I was diagnosed 4-1/2 years ago! AND I'm still totally frustrated with all of my meds not working. My symptoms have increased dramatically and I still can't lose any weight. You're welcome to check my eating & exercise habits & if you have any suggestions, i"d be glad to hear them!

  • Themuseinme
    Themuseinme Posts: 224 Member
    Just saw your message as I’ve been inactive on here.I’m back motivated by the new year and decade and find communion for our plight :)
  • jane3439
    jane3439 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi Divas,

    I am obese and it would be so good for me if I didn't have this big belly. Lots of things are so hard for me because I can barely tie my shoes or do lots of stretches and exercises. I have been a yoyo dieter for years so what I know is that I could lose some weight but it would likely come back if I stop limiting my food and change what I eat. I am pretty much addicted to sugar. But not to motivated to change that now. : (

    I also have been treated for depression and apathy for years. How that affects me most with regard to PD is that I just don't want to exercise. I understand how important it is but it is so hard for me get off my butt and do something. The last couple of weeks I have done better - one boxing class and 2 regular PD exercises.

    I have trouble walking because of PD and balance issues, an impingement in my lower back that affects my legs and drop foot on my right foot. These things make me not want to go out for a walk which is such a healthy activity. Not only exercise, but being outside this time of year can be so amazing.

    How are the rest if you doing?
