Vampire Diaries

parfia Posts: 184 Member

Just wondering if there is anyone on here that shares my obsession with all things Vampire Diaries?


  • Jonny15121983
    Jonny15121983 Posts: 573 Member
    I wouldn't call it an obsession but I definitely enjoy Vampire Diaries (I was going to abbreviate to VD but then that sentence could have been interpreted oh so wrong.) I much prefer the Originals show though, it just seems a lot darker to me which I really enjoy!
  • parfia
    parfia Posts: 184 Member
    I actually started watching the Originals first. I tried Vampire Diaries when it first came on and just couldn't get into it but once I was hooked on the Originals I thought I'd give it another go and the rest, as they say, is history ! :)