Share your Experiences

gothicangel101 Posts: 10 Member
I just had an idea that everyone can do if they want to.

We can tell each other what we are doing to change our lifestyles.

For instance, I hardly every drank normal tea only when I went to my grandparents (English, felt like I had to when my nanny did) but now I'm into green tea, favourite flavour at the moment is Lipton's green tea with vanilla.

I cleans and cleanses your insides according to a friend of mine who has lost a lot of weight after leaving high school.

So I decided to give it a go, not knowing what to expect and now I cant get enough of it. I'm like having 3 to 4 cups a day (I don't drink coffee at all, cant stand the stuff) so now I'm addicted to it.

Also used to hate eggs except for when my dad made googie eggs (the white part is cooks but the yokes aren't there all runny) and had then with soldiers (bread cut into strips) to dunk it but now since I'm not eating a lot of bread I cant so instead my friend got me onto omelettes (2 whole 1 white stuff) with tomato. I have been adding other things like curry powder or chicken stir fry (without noodles of course)

So please share your experiences and it doesn't have to be about food, it can be about anything.

:heart: Melissa xoxo :happy:


  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    I am new to MFP as well as trying to get healthy I only started this journey 19 days ago and 13 pounds.

    What started it off was my desire to stop drinking soda .

    I set a date and stuck with it - it seems like I weigh food against coke right now . It's like I have a discussion in my head about if I'd rather have this or a coke and If I'd rather have a coke then ,well it's just not good enough- silly right?

    I have almost completely cut out carbs ( except for a small amt of rice )

    I try to make better choices at every meal .

    I am exercising after 10 years of not even trying.

    I drink Americano's instead of latte' using almond milk and truvia

    oh ya , I have cut out sugar as much as possible I really used to pour in the sugar for my iced tea - no more

    I think about eating healthy all the time !

    I have started this lifestyle while I am at work here on the North slope where food is always prepared for me and there are always healthy choices . There are no fast food places up here at all ,no resturants at all . However the camp has buffet style food at all meals .

    I go home in 3 days ...then to Louisiana for two weeks in a week ,

    I'm not sure how it will work there yet .

    we shall see

  • rebeccanangell
    rebeccanangell Posts: 11 Member
    Well, I have to say that I am finding this particularly hard.
    Trying to keep myself busy and not think of what can I snack on.
    Changes -
    1. trying to drink more water every day. (already drank half a 500 ml bottle - yes you might say that is nothing but that is really good for me as i hardly drink any during the day). Heard people say that if you feel hungry then drink water as it can be disguised as thirst.
    2. trying to do more REGULAR exercise. I will have bouts when i will go alot and then stop and do nothing. Eventhough I walk about 15 mins to catch the bus to work that does not seem to make any difference at all. Started a circuits class which I ached for days afterwards but am grateful for it now! and I actually enjoyed it.
    3. Eat less and try to be more healthy. less bread (but find that difficult for work lunches- am a teacher so is easy to just grab/ make a sandwich.)

    Hopefully I can keep it up, would appreciate any motivational messages from anyone.
    or if anyone is doing /trying to do the same things as me then do message me.

    (only been on MFP for just under a week)