Weight Loss; To New Beginnings

Hey, my name is Jenni.
I started Phentermine 37.5, 4 days ago.
I started at 192.1 lbs, and now, 4 days later, I'm down to 182.8 lbs.
I'm drinking water constantly, due to constant cotton mouth. Water O N L Y.
The first 3 days I was an uncomfortable jittery, but suddenly happy and confident, walmart cashier.
Today, I'm just all over the place hyper. I normally don't really exercise, because I feel as if I get it while I work, cause my heart races nonstop, from nonstop twisting, bending, and lifting. But, instead of coming home and sitting on the couch, I took a quick shower, changed, and went for a quick paced walk that was mostly uphill. I only stopped to go get water because of my lame dry mouth. And because it started pouring rain. But I'm still here, outrageously hyper and jittery. I just want to get up, and run to the end of time. And coming from me.....that's scary. Cause normally, you couldn't pay me enough to run. It's just not my thing.
I'm a little bit unhealthy in the fact the 1st day, I didn't eat a single thing until almost 11pm, and even then, it was only an apple. The 2nd day, I had 4 or 5 baby carrots for breakfast, before work. Yesterday, my fiance finally got onto me and I ended up eating 3 slices of cheese pizza from little ceasars, and had a can of mtn. Dew. Today, I have fasted.