Food from MFP not syncing to UP app

ibelieve1968 Posts: 15 Member
Anyone else having a problem with their MFP food not syncing too the UP app. It had synced since Friday.


  • SpideRaY
    SpideRaY Posts: 12 Member
    edited August 2015
    This sometimes happens to me and has also happened today the 31st however if you disconnect the link between MFP and UP and then reconnect this will usually correct this problem within 15 mins. This process worked for me today however I seem to have lost yesterday's UP calorie adjustment in the process.

    I say usually loosely as sometimes this will not work they have told me in the past that you will need to clear the MFP app android cache and remove the MFP app completely restart your Android phone and then reconnect the UP app don't forget to select the UP steps in the reinstalled MFP app that's if you decide to track your step data on your MFP app home page.

    NB> You must save your MFP food data uising the main website prior to any removal of android apps as you may loose your food data that you have added with your app.
  • ibelieve1968
    ibelieve1968 Posts: 15 Member
    Awesome. It's working again. Thanks
  • Bryonyfew
    Bryonyfew Posts: 1 Member
    I had the same problem. I emailed both Up and MFP techie people and they were very helpful. Working again for me too.