krk5235 Posts: 220 Member
WOW gang, can you believe we have JUST ONE lousy week left till our 75th anniversary???!!!! OMG

We'll have our regular weekly weigh-in on Sunday then just 5 days after that our goal day weigh in woot woot woot!!!!

So what do you plan for today?

Its a beautiful Friday here in the NE USA I believe i am going to be out in the garden tonight, Yea thats right aren't I just a ball o fun on a Friday night, Mr. exciting woo hoo. Then to top it off, i may take hike, wow. :) Hey someone has to be boring and dependable, may as well be me!


  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Hard to believe we're only a week away!

    It's a cold, foggy, rainy day here in NE MN. We've got Grandma's Marathon tomorrow - forecast is for 55 and rain along the race course on Lake Superior, which maybe the runners will love.

    Today is my planned rest day, so I need to be extra vigilant in watching my calorie intake.

    Let's finish strong everyone!
  • Unaisha8
    Unaisha8 Posts: 247 Member
    I know right, time goes really fast :noway:

    Today I did 50 mins Tae Bo workout and I will do some strength training later in the evening. I'm finding it hard to control my cravings for chicken wings and fries but if I do have them, I will make sure I take a small portion :wink:
  • TrinaGoss
    TrinaGoss Posts: 198 Member
    Today may end up being a rest day for me. I need to go grocery shopping this evening after dinner and that usually makes for a late night by the time I put everything away! But if I have time I'll run on the treadmill. For my diet today I get to have lots of tomatoes, chicken and miracle soup. This diet isn't as difficult as I thought it would be, but I do notice that my energy level isn't what it normally is. That's probably due to the extremely low amount of carbs. I only have 3 days left though, so I know I can make it!

    I decided a couple of days ago to start training for a half marathon. I'll start the first week of July. I don't consider myself to be a runner at all, so in my mind this is a huge undertaking, but I'm excited to do it! The race I'm looking at is on October 12. I found a training schedule that looks pretty simple in Women's Running magazine. When I told my husband my plans, he kind of responded in a way like he doesn't think I'll stick to it, but that makes me even more determined! I'm looking forward to the next two months!
  • krk5235
    krk5235 Posts: 220 Member
    Today may end up being a rest day for me. I need to go grocery shopping this evening after dinner and that usually makes for a late night by the time I put everything away! But if I have time I'll run on the treadmill. For my diet today I get to have lots of tomatoes, chicken and miracle soup. This diet isn't as difficult as I thought it would be, but I do notice that my energy level isn't what it normally is. That's probably due to the extremely low amount of carbs. I only have 3 days left though, so I know I can make it!

    I decided a couple of days ago to start training for a half marathon. I'll start the first week of July. I don't consider myself to be a runner at all, so in my mind this is a huge undertaking, but I'm excited to do it! The race I'm looking at is on October 12. I found a training schedule that looks pretty simple in Women's Running magazine. When I told my husband my plans, he kind of responded in a way like he doesn't think I'll stick to it, but that makes me even more determined! I'm looking forward to the next two months!

    That's awesome Trina!!!! See what we can do with some determination and lotsa support, I know you can do that race, you have the ability and now the mind set to get the work and traiining done!! You'll do great!
  • crystalball24
    Well I made my goal of loosing at least 10 lbs!! I will continue to try and loose the last 10 lbs, I just keep doing what I'm doing because it is working for me :happy:

    Bike ride to work and back, then date with the hubs. We have a solstice party/concert weekend so hopefully I am not to bad over the weekend :tongue:

    Happy Friday!