Local Foods taste better...really! 6/21

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member

Hey, why not try and find a Farmer's Market around your area...you get the best of the best in produce and how to cook the foods too!
If you don't have a Farmer's Market look for Co-op or just a plain Farm Stand! There are plenty on the roads. i used to see them all the time in OHIO. If all of that is a bust then try a ______festival. Strawberry, Garlic, Peach Pepper there are all kinds of festivals geared around food. You may have a garden overflowing...share with neighbors!
The point is to find fresh local foods!

GOOGLE today!



  • jomendo
    jomendo Posts: 2
    Going to one tomorrow! So much produce at this thing; it's so incredible!
  • MyseriMapleleaf
    MyseriMapleleaf Posts: 81 Member
    I'm going to eat at a local restaurant tonight, that counts right? :)

    On a serious note- we shop the farmer's market on Saturdays.. make a morning of it. Breakfast, expensive soap, herbed goat cheese- the works.

    We suuport All Local!! <3
  • GormanGhaste
    GormanGhaste Posts: 430 Member
    Great idea. Will be too busy this weekend, but did find a local one to try out soon!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,475 Member
    Visiting the farms out here tomorrow!!
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    Do herbs from my herb garden count?
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Do herbs from my herb garden count?

    Of course! Why I included folks with gardens. Back in Ohio growing up...even though we lived in suburbs I would say probably 70% of neighbors had gardens...my parents loved flower gardens but did have a lone tomato plant. But some of our other neighbors had veggie gardens and they would either leave on stoop a basket full or come over chat and give us cucumbers, tomatoes sometimes zucchini and peppers...my brother started a garden and he grew cantaloupe lettuce carrots potatoes green beans etc
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    Careful, we have a local couple that import their fruits and veggies from Cali and Florida. They are some of the best tasting I've had, just not local.
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    Do herbs from my herb garden count?

    Of course! Why I included folks with gardens. Back in Ohio growing up...even though we lived in suburbs I would say probably 70% of neighbors had gardens...my parents loved flower gardens but did have a lone tomato plant. But some of our other neighbors had veggie gardens and they would either leave on stoop a basket full or come over chat and give us cucumbers, tomatoes sometimes zucchini and peppers...my brother started a garden and he grew cantaloupe lettuce carrots potatoes green beans etc

    Southern Ohio here.... We have Corn, Green Beans, Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Peas, Onions, Beats, and whatever the In-Laws have in their garden this year.
    Tomorrow we pick Peas :smile: