Fiinal Weigh In~~~ September 7th

I hope you all enjoyed the challenge and learned something about yourselves, made friends and dropped some weight. If you want to keep going, join us for our next challenge of Drop 20 by Christmas 2015 that will start September 12th.


  • kellycasey5
    kellycasey5 Posts: 486 Member
    As promised for challenge end I have updated my profile pic to my current weight, and yes this is me in my beloved short overalls. Out of fashion for far too many years, and I haven't painted in many moons, but I am over the moon that they fit and I can't take them off.

    Thank you again for such a lovely group! I will weigh Monday and onto the next....not sure it I will hit my goal of 140 but I am trying trying trying :)
  • joshuapowell1989
    joshuapowell1989 Posts: 163 Member
    Challenge Start Weight: 159lb
    Challenge Goal Weight: 144lbl
    Challenge End Weight: 149.2lb

    Total Challenge Loss: 9.8lb

    Not exactly where I wanted to be but had a few NSV this challenge:

    a) Fitting into Slim-Fit Jeans
    b) Fitting into Medium Slim-Fit Tshirts
    c) Fitting into Small Jackets (T-Shirts still hug the wrong areas!).
    d) Fitting back into clothes I had put into the loft (from when I was slimmer).
    e) Not fitting back into clothes I had put in the loft (from when I was bigger).

    I have joined the Christmas Challenge so fingers crossed I can get to where I want to be then!
  • kellycasey5
    kellycasey5 Posts: 486 Member
    Alright for the challenge tally:
    Challenge Start Weight: 156.9 pounds
    Challenge Goal Weight: 140 pounds
    Challenge End Weight: 140.8 pounds

    Total loss: 16.1 pounds

    I ALMOST hit my goal of 140 pounds. I am still counting this as a total win as it has a 140 in front of it :D I am also in for the December challenge! Still thinking about a goal weight...133 was my MFP goal as that is what I weighed the day I got sick. BUT....I think I am going to go for 128 as that is what I weighed before I had to stop running. And that would be a wonderful way to start a new year.

  • ACSL3
    ACSL3 Posts: 623 Member
    MFP start: 178.0
    Week 2: 171.6 (started a week late)
    Week 3: 170.0
    Week 4: 169.2
    Week 5: 169.2
    Week 6: 175.8 (gained water weight)
    Week 7/8: somewhere between 167.2 and 175
    Week 9: 167.2
    Week 10: 166.4

    Didn't hit my goal of 162, but I lost weight so it's a win in my book :) Looking forward to continuing to work with you all in the Christmas challenge :smiley:
  • LadyScorpio67
    LadyScorpio67 Posts: 247 Member
    MFP Start: 264.4
    CGW: 235.0
    UGW: 155.0

    7/5: 250.0
    7/14: 252.6
    7/21: 246.0
    7/28: 244.2
    8/4: 242.6
    8/11: 240.0
    8/18: 237.4
    8/25: 240.8
    9/1: 234.8
    9/8: 234.2

    This week: -.6
    Final Loss: 15.8
    Final Weight: 234.2

    I let myself go a little over the holiday weekend, but still had a little loss. See you in the 20 by Christmas challenge!
  • GrammyPeachy
    GrammyPeachy Posts: 1,723 Member
    My final weight for this challenge is 174!!! :) I lost one pound more than my goal!
  • ACSL3
    ACSL3 Posts: 623 Member
    cherirana wrote: »
    My final weight for this challenge is 174!!! :) I lost one pound more than my goal!

    Awesome! Great job :smiley:
  • 1crvygrl
    1crvygrl Posts: 504 Member
    cherirana wrote: »
    My final weight for this challenge is 174!!! :) I lost one pound more than my goal!

    I started this challenge at 212.4 and ended it at 207, where I've been stuck for the last few weeks.
    A 5.4 pound loss.
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    Challenge end weight 176.

    Plateauing....... :(