Chatr and Accountability Sep 6- 12



  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Happy Thursday, Hope all is well with all of you.

    Deb Sue - Iron Butterfly, or was it Iron Madien? or InaGodadavida. Might want to look at the Inkspots as well.

    Carol - that's a good sore though its creating the nice tight dense muscles you want in all those places.

    Yep on Able James he's got good info. Speaking of Good info Jason Seib has put out a new protocol that looks promising. The Altshift method is 5 days of ULC with High Fat, then 3 days of Higher Carb low fat. Results from his test group have been impressive. I believe Kim is doing it and I am planning on it after the competition, not changing anything til after the 16th.

    Kris - Ease back in to it (meat) and enjoy.

    Heron - WTG keep after it lass !

    Sure I missed some folks, but keep it rolling! Find what you love so you can do what you love. Then Jam On!

  • kris3b
    kris3b Posts: 321 Member
    GOOD Morning all. I need to catch up with all the posts later. I did my weight training last night and it was nice.

    Quickly...80s music...Iron Maiden, Icehouse, and INXS (fabulous concert). Does Mr. Billy Idol count?
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    Hmrjmr1 wrote: »
    Happy Thursday, Hope all is well with all of you.

    Deb Sue - Iron Butterfly, or was it Iron Madien? or InaGodadavida. Might want to look at the Inkspots as well.

    Hehehe. Thought about mentioning Iron Butterfly but wasn't sure if DebSue has 17 and a half minutes to listen to one song! Hehehe.. 'In the Garden of Eden baby....' - bonus points to anyone who knows what that's from. Yes, I'm being silly. Would you expect me to be any other way? :wink:
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    Indigo Girls!!!! Am I the only one that likes them,
    John thanks for telling us about the protocol.
  • leopardprintaholic
    leopardprintaholic Posts: 76 Member
    edited September 2015
    Jen, Kris, John & Heron ... THANK YOU! You are all so helpful & fun!!! Now you all know my mission, so please keep the daily suggestions coming :) I was only going to jaunt to INXS, but may have to go longer to get a little Ice House in (along with Mr. idol, Indigo Girls & Iron Maiden) B) PERFECT, as I'm now committed to 1.5 hours of 'Moneymaker moving' today. You all are THE BEST!!! Xoxo ~DebSue
  • ActiveAmyLynn
    ActiveAmyLynn Posts: 48 Member
    Kris - glad to hear the weight training was good :) Billy Idol'd be good reallly loud for weightlifting!

    Heron - Thanks for welcoming me! It's fantastic you're fitting into your smaller clothes again! Speaking of clothes, your dress in your profile pic is just beautiful on you.

    Carol - Yes I'm lucky to have a weekly obstacle course. I never knew I could do a pull-up until I did the obstacle course last week! I did one really good slow one and then another 1/2. I've lost 30 lbs slowly, it's taken me about 10 years with periods of gain/loss/maintenance at different weights. Now my weight is stable and it's a daily habit to keep track of my calories. In the past I did a strict fat-free diet and ate mostly boxed franken-foods with very little real, healthy food. I cringe at what I used to eat. Boxes and boxes of Snackwells devil's food cookies and fat-free Pringles with the fake oil that makes you sick. I used to go to the store by myself and get a container or two of Pringles to binge on when I knew I'd have the house to myself. I'd always start eating them in the car on the way home with a diet coke. It's good to remember those times and feel grateful that I have a healthier diet these days.

    Deb Sue - INXS is awesomeness!!! How 'bout the Isley Brothers? "Shout" would be a super high energy song for something like burpees...and that'd be the only fun thing about those burpees ;)
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Kris- how is your transition back to meat going? I admire you and the reasons you do things. Meat or no meat, you seem so thoughtful about your decisions.

    I'm out of town for a couple more days. I'll catch up on all the posts later but I love skimming through them.

    Everybody have a great Friday!
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    edited September 2015
    Happy Friday Folks. Rest day today. Don't Forget its a RED TOP kinda Day.

    Happy Travels Carol

    Deb Sue Here a J for ya

  • jenniferyounginillinois
    jenniferyounginillinois Posts: 535 Member
    edited September 2015
    Happy Friday everybody.
    J day for DebSue. Hmm, pick your favorite Jackson, or maybe all Five. Hehehe... Jefferson Airplane perhaps (Go ask Alice, I think she'll know...). Or what about Judas Priest for some 'flinging your hair around' metal fix? As always, I'm sure you'll find something...
  • leopardprintaholic
    Oh John, that's when music was REAL MUSIC! My parents were Big Band dancers in the 40's, so I grew up with Harry James records playing. THANKYOU <3

    Jen, 'J' is not so easy-peasy ... So I totally thank you for the suggestions, Girlfriend! I think I'll start out with some Joan Jett & as I'm a skosh of a 'Parrothead', I must end with some Jimmy Buffett! We'll have to wait & see if I can do my run/jaunt while wearing flipflops and holding a Margarita! Lol :) I believe in me ;)

    Amy, I SOOOO agree with your burpee comment! You are such a doll & wonderful addition to Our Family, here.

    Gotta scoot, Gang ... This $maker is not going to move itself! Have a Fab day, everyone. MUAH!
  • howie6267
    howie6267 Posts: 327 Member
    edited September 2015
    I graduated in 85 so love the 80s music but 40's is a favorite too. We had all 40's music in our wedding. My wife came down the isle to Sunday, Monday or Always and we left to Doris Days Sunny Side of the Street. Our pastor was just getting ready to step off the stage when she sang out "Grab your coat and get your hat". LOL

    I maintained this week, as I thought I would. I hope to have a good week next week.
  • leopardprintaholic
    Howie, Your wedding sounded fabulous! I graduated in 1980.
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    Amy, so happy that you've found the path to a healthy lifestyle! Yay! And double yay for the pull up! That's been my Goal.
    Thanks for the compliment ;)
    DebSue, I am a sucker for 80s music as well. For J its Gotta be Journey!!
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    Oooo, Jimmy Buffett is B (last name!!!!). You cheated!!!! :tongue: Just being silly.
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    heronh wrote: »
    Amy, so happy that you've found the path to a healthy lifestyle! Yay! And double yay for the pull up! That's been my Goal.
    Thanks for the compliment ;)
    DebSue, I am a sucker for 80s music as well. For J its Gotta be Journey!!

    OMG!! I TOTALLY forgot about Journey!!!!! Now I'm remembering junior high. Hehehe...
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Deb Sue here is one for a K day
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    jenniferyounginillinois Posts: 535 Member
    edited September 2015
    It's K Day. Hmm, that's a toughie. All I can come up with are KISS and Kraftwerk. Oh and Kansas. Hmm....
  • leopardprintaholic
    Hammer & Jen, AWESOME!!! I admit, I was scratching my head this morning. :# Gonna have to look up Kraftwerk (& re familiarize myself with the "melodic artistry of Kidd Rock), but Kansas is a YES! Joan Jett did not let me down yesterday (& thanks to Heron) I finished up sentimentally with Journey. Sipping my "beige coffee" now & thanking God for all of you, my amazing pals I've met through Fat2fithq! Gracias on the continued help & support, Gang. I love & appreciate you more than you'll ever know! Happy Saturday! ~DebSue
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    jenniferyounginillinois Posts: 535 Member
    edited September 2015
    Hammer & Jen, AWESOME!!! I admit, I was scratching my head this morning. :# Gonna have to look up Kraftwerk (& re familiarize myself with the "melodic artistry of Kidd Rock), but Kansas is a YES! Joan Jett did not let me down yesterday (& thanks to Heron) I finished up sentimentally with Journey. Sipping my "beige coffee" now & thanking God for all of you, my amazing pals I've met through Fat2fithq! Gracias on the continued help & support, Gang. I love & appreciate you more than you'll ever know! Happy Saturday! ~DebSue

    Lenny Kravitz, the Kinks. There is an Irish band Kila which is AMAZING. Here is one of my faves from them (starts out slow and picks up about halfway in):

    Oh and DebSue, the Kraftwerk was more of a bit of humor on my part. They are a German electronic band and believe me, it takes someone with a warped mind to 'get them' (what does that say about me - hehehe)
  • kris3b
    kris3b Posts: 321 Member
    Uh, HELLO, did you forget about Kool and the Gang??? Total 80s dance music! I just so happen to have been jammin' to it yesterday. Don't forget the overplayed Katrina and the Waves, "Walking on Sunshine." OY!

    I will be back to catch up. Seems I am behind, as usual... (((hugs)))